What Speed Learning Can Do for Your Ego

By Sam Roxas

If you need to learn more about accelerated learning and you can do to make the maximum of it, then you'll want to read this piece.

When we chat about accelerated learning, we're not just talking about understanding how to process more information or understanding how to read quicker than everybody else. It is also one of the finest paths to bump up your self-esteem and self-worth.

Now, it is a no brainer that every one of us wants to be smarter and better. And that is definitely what you will get to experience and enjoy with accelerated learning.

But if you're still learning the different ideas and techniques involved in accelerated learning, I'm of the opinion that you are having a tough time. You could even be doubting yourself. Can you do this? Are you intelligent enough to understand these? Are you able to learn by heart the different techniques?

Well, the answer is: sure you can! You have to believe in yourself and never fail to remember that you're capable of learning more and enjoying more from life.

These are some tips that might help you enhance your ego while you're learning about accelerated learning.

- Always give yourself a pat in the back- even with the littlest or most "insignificant" feats.
- Motivate and inspire yourself- always remember your reason for accelerated learning.
- Set a goal and ensure that you will do everything that you can to gain it- it's truly all about the L. O. A.
- Be optimistic- when you are learning something like accelerated learning, you should generally have faith in yourself and in what you are doing, always think positive.
- Manage your time well- whether or not accelerated learning is important, it is only one aspect of your life: leave time for other things.
- Remember that accelerated learning is a learned skill- it's not something that you can develop overnite.
- Start from within- unlike learning inside a classroom, there's no teacher in accelerated learning courses: discipline yourself.

With accelerated learning, you are sure to encounter 1 or 2 bumps down the road. This is ordinary! You don't have to fret about that. One of the upsides of learning accelerated learning is that this is your time to make mistakes. In this stage, you've a entire room dedicated for you to improve yourself on. You can make mistakes and you can learn from them.

Fast learning is hard. But if you have got the right ideas and sentiments about it and you put to heart and mind all of the tips that I have given you here, you'd be able to enjoy the benefits and fruits of accelerated learning.

Keyword: Accelerated Learning

Unique Phrase: "using flash cards as an element of your accelerated learning lessons"

Title: Accelerated Learning: Five Steps to Flash Cards

If you're searching for some accelerated learning information and some tips to make your accelerated learning lessons far easier, then you'd wish to read this tract.

This tract is about using flash cards for learning. I know that at one point, as a child, you've been placed in that position. The flash card is in front of you and all the pressure to respond to it right and fast is on your shoulder.

Well, do not be afraid, using flash cards as part of your accelerated learning lessons isn't that tough. In reality you can actually summarise it into five so easy steps.

You also have to remember that you using flash cards isn't something that only children can and should do. It is a perfect learning tool- regardless of where you are or what year you were born.

As I mentioned, there are five ways to use flash cards and I believe that Brad Isaac from the Persistence Unlimited website has discussed it perfectly in his own blog:

1. Each card should only have 1 question and 1 answer "You are not copying down information word for word when you make a flashcard. It should be fast (i.e. "Flash" card) not a synopsis or a bibliography.

2. When studying or in class if there is a subject you don't know make a flashcard. This is very important. Some scholars skip over complicated subjects and think "I'll just study that later." Ensure you do study that later by making a flashcard really fast. Like I said above since each card has just one query and one answer it's straightforward. You don't have to put off the complex stuff any longer.

3. Keep your flashcards in your pocket or purse at all points. Since flashcard study is so fast and efficient, you can study at any time. Study while waiting in a queue at the bank. Study while hanging around for somebody to arrive at lunch. Heck, I've studied while riding lifts.

4. Set a goal to check each flashcard in your pack 3 times every day. Can you remember when I claimed you will learn some things immediately? I can't quite say why, but if you simply read thru each card 3 times a day you'll be astonished by what you pick up. Maybe it is like how Tony Robbins says. "repetition is the mother of skill." Subjects you previously thought "I'll never get this", will start to make sense extremely fast.

5. Set aside the cards you know ONLY after you can answer them correctly after a night of sleep. If you work through your cards 3 times today and on the third try you reply a card properly, do not set that card apart yet. Wait until the next day's first revolution. If you get it right again the following day, then you can discard it "you have learned that topic.

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