Is the Ice Cream Diet for Real or Too Good to Be True?

By Antonio Matos

There are many different diets out there, but the Ice Cream Diet is one many people are curious about. Prevention magazine did an article about it, and the Ice Cream Diet's creator flatly states that it's possible to lose weight, get healthier, and eat ice cream every day. Well - OK, fine; we reviewed the Ice Cream Diet because we wanted to know, and today we're going to tell you all about what we found.

OK, well much to our surprise the Ice Cream Diet is a diet consisting of low daily calories. The plan includes daily eating of lean meat, fresh fruits and vegetables plus your daily allowance of ice cream. What the ice cream represents is a built-in reward system for being disciplined about your diet. Ice cream has nutritional value in it, even though we all know it's fattening. The dairy contains a form of protein, the milk, and of course it does have calcium in it. There really are some diets that are low calorie, and you won't get the added nutrition you will from the Ice Cream Diet. So that is the reasoning behind adding daily ice cream.

Daily intake of calcium is important for optimum weight, plus it contributes to overall good health - just a little note about ice cream. Some research has shown that adequate levels of calcium are important for losing weight.

There are a lot of people who don't like dairy products, and if they start limiting their caloric intake, then they're setting themselves up for calcium deficiency as well as other important nutrients. The book for this diet goes into detail why you really should derive your calcium from whole foods and not be so reliant on calcium supplements. The Ice Cream Diet helps you to lose weight while enjoying a treat, and you'll also benefit from giving your body enough calcium that it needs.

While the Ice Cream Diet gives you a diet plan that can help you to lose weight, the fact is that the ice cream part is not really necessary and can be considered more of a gimmick than anything else. You'll discover that women are limited to 1500 cals per day, and men limited to 2000 cals per day. In addition to this, you must get regular exercise. Theoretically, if you wanted to you could eat your daily limit in ice cream, but who wants to do that? It's interesting because you can really eat a little bit of something "bad" for you every day, just as long as you follow the plan - and you'll still lose weight. So, while the Ice Cream Diet can be effective, the name of it is mainly a marketing ploy. Just like all things, and all diets, there are pros and possible cons to the Ice Cream Diet. But it's a positive sign that people have used this diet and lost weight. If you give it a try with the Ice Cream Diet, then be patient for several months and see what the effect is.

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