Toilet Training While Traveling

By Jean Murphy

Where do you turn when it's bathroom training time and you are preparing for a holiday or long visit in a few weeks time? You may need to cope with lengthy car journeys, long haul aircraft or railroad rides. At the same time foreign hotels, strange washrooms and pungent public lavatories also can result in chaos. Your child has decided it is time for him to try his big boy pants in the midst of your once-a-year trip and you are dealing with the chance of potty training on a road trip. Definitely the very best option is to stop the whole thing and stay close to home until the toilet training has concluded however, who can do just that in this day and age. Anyway maybe it's a entertaining learning experience am I right?

The normal potty training guidelines work pretty much everywhere. And so with the help of several wise plans and a couple of important bits of gear as well as the correct perspective, you will ideally be equipped to toilet train your young child on the go and keep him clean and dry and contented regardless of the destination. Needless to say your child will be outside of their normal routine and comfort zone when taking a trip and they may neglect to acknowledge the fact that they need to go to the lavatory. You need to be even more observant than normal to spot the little tell tale indicators, like crossing the legs or the little dance. Spend some time watching for these signs before you take a trip and you will recognize them easily once traveling. Preventing your little one getting wet and uncomfortable in a strange environment is the most important factor. This should stop him associating traveling with negative toilet thoughts.

When you find yourself in a new environment,like an airport or hotel or tourist attraction, take a few minutes as soon as you arrive and scope out where the toilets are and if there are changing facilities. That way you won't be caught out at the last moment when a full bladder decides to erupt. The best thing to do is actually visit the toilet before there is a need to and even if they don't use this time they will be familiar with it when they do. A little forward planning can help avoid any accidents that will need mopped up in a public area.

One of the main problems traveling with a toddler whether they are potty training or not, is the amount of stuff you have to carry. You really don't want to be adding potty training accessories on top of that. In particular potties and toilet rings cannot be easily carried around. Finding somewhere to put a portable potty can be difficult and not all toilets will accommodate your model of toilet ring. You never know what kind of toilet you will find. In particular in eastern Europe and Asia you might find nothing more than a glorified hole in the ground. So to be honest its probably best to leave these items at home.

Bring plenty of hand sanitizer when you are on the move with a toddler during toilet training. You are likely to encounter foreign toilets that will have a mess and smell that will lingering in your senses for years to come. Also there may be times when stopping to wash hands and maintain proper hygiene may be difficult or impossible. Having some personal cleaning products in your pocket or bag is essential. It is also a good idea to bring a plastic container of fresh clean water with you when you are out and about. This is all part of the fun of traveling so don't get too hung up on hospital grade hygiene. Just take normal precautions and remind yourself you are on holiday.

There may be some times where it is just impossible to get your toddler to a toilet. It could be due to restrictions at an airport or in the middle of a train journey when the toilets are closed for repairs or maybe you just cannot find one on a map. In those cases, even though you want to maintain the potty training regime, you will need to resort to pull-up diapers. The trick is to suggest it to your toddler in the right way. Just approach it like a change of underwear and don't make too big a deal of it. That way your child will remain comfortable and dry and you will not have to clean up a mess.

Bear in mind that regardless of how geared up you might be accidents may occur when you are on an outing. Just as they would if you were in the home. Even after they take place in public venues many people are fairly understanding particularly when they're mothers and fathers themselves. Make sure to have a change of garments available and a few plastic baggies for the wet clothing. Try not to get annoyed or angry and stay reassuring to the child and they will understand that toilet training away from home is nothing to be concerned about. Remember potty training while traveling is generally a blast and will also be a great achievement for you personally and your kid. With a bit of forward planning plus the right attitude, you'll be able to enjoy your vacation along with your youngster and enable them to achieve potty training success.

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