Why it is Not a Good Idea to Leave Your Butane Lighter in the Extreme Cold

By Wendy Mallikarjunan

When you are enjoying the cigar hobby, one thing you will notice is that you will have constant questions that arise in your mind. In the beginning, you will wonder what cigars are best for your collection. You will have to ask which humidor you should buy. You can find that the questions are constant for a while, and then they will begin to slow down as you learn more. However, there can be questions that come up over time that you may not have thought of before. For example, you will not think about your cigar lighter and how well it will work once the cold weather sets in.

Just how will a torch lighter be affected by the weather? This has mostly to do with the extreme cold of the winter. If you live in a southern area where temperatures hardly drop below freezing, you may never have a problem. However, if you live in an area that experiences bitter cold, then you will need to know this information. Your torch lighter can be affected by this cold, and it will malfunction if it gets too cold.

This is why your lighter will begin to work again if it warms up. The extreme cold will not damage your lighter beyond repair. However, it will make it non-usable for a short amount of time. The lighter will have to warm up so that the gas will expand again and create the right amount of pressure. If you left your lighter in the cold, be sure to give it time to warm up and it should work just fine again.

This does not mean that your butane lighter will not work in the extreme cold. As long as the lighter itself is warm, you will still be able to light your cigar even if you are standing outside in sub zero temperatures. The best thing to do is to keep your lighter in your pocket where it can stay warm.

Many people do not realize it until they have a problem, but a butane torch lighter will be affected by temperature. This is why it is best to not leave it outside in the cold for extended periods of time. If you like to have a cigar on your morning commute, just get in the habit of putting your lighter in your pocket instead of leaving it in the car.

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