Toronto Flooring Expert Explains Florence Engineered Wood Flooring

By Gerson Pintado

There are quite a few different options when it comes to flooring these days, and many people would much prefer to go with the wood option. Toronto flooring experts however would tell us that wood is extremely expensive, and there are many other choices that would be much cheaper. Carpets are an option of course, but they are difficult to clean in most cases. In addition to that, carpet does not last long, which certainly puts a damper on the entire operation. The question you need to ask yourself is where you can find Toronto flooring that looks good, takes a beating, and is priced effectively for your needs.

The flooring that seems to last the longest however, if one is to believe the words of Toronto flooring experts, is the engineered wood flooring. This is very affordable at just $12 per square meter, and it will serve to provide the rustic charm you've been looking for all along!

Florence engineered wood flooring is conveniently available in several plan sizes and thicknesses so they can be used with considerable ease. Most experts are of the opinion that this flooring option is a long term investment that can easily last for several years.

Not only does this flooring look great, it is durable, and composed of only the best materials. This fact alone allows for a twenty year warranty.

Many Toronto flooring experts have stated that while Oak is the most popular choice with this type of flooring, you do have the option of choosing pine, walnut, or any number of other materials. Not only are they pretty, they will also be able to withstand virtually any amount of traffic! Feel free to use this flooring in any environment and reap the benefits.

The best part of choosing Florence engineered wood flooring for your home is that you get a plethora of finishes to choose from. Although the range primarily uses Oak; there are other woods too which can be found in this flooring option such as maple, ash and beech. Plus you get a wide array of styles and tones. For instance, people who like to have well polished floors but do not like to spend several back breaking hours waxing the floors, they can choose the smart lacquer finish or even the brush matte lacquer which looks equally stylish but is slightly low on the shine factor.

The planks of Florence engineered wood flooring have pronounced joints, which create a defined look. You can also choose the range of pale wood colors from the series that have defined textures and distinct markings. This type of flooring works well with a darker color on the walls.

Then, there are also scores of choices for people who would like to use contrasts to create a spectacular effect; for instance, you could go for the unfinished, textured, oiled finishes in different grades and colors ranging from rich dark browns to pale woody beige and even grays. The Black Oak flooring in the range makes fantastic use of different shades of brown to create fabulous visual effect.

You will be happy to find that there is a 30 year warranty on certain matte lacquer finishes, and many Toronto flooring experts are strongly recommending engineered wood flooring to all of their clients. Experience the durability and look that comes with wood flooring, but don't pay the price! This is the idea flooring for anyone with taste.

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