Nitrogen Purged Shipping Containers Keep Global Logistics Moving Smoothly

By Helene Norris

The majority of Americans are aware that the US interstate highway system was constructed primarily facilitate the movement of military material. That is why the highways all run very close to the major military installations. The second major reason it was successfully undertaken was to move nitrogen purged shipping containers through all areas of the country.

The notion that what is actually just a big box could play such an important role in daily life is hard to imagine. Without it, however, the luxury of having a distribution system that keeps stores from main to San Diego stocked with all the things people want would not be possible. The key to success was simplicity in design and standardization above all.

Developed by civilian engineers and military transport exports set out to develop a device that could span the globe or the nation easily, carrying just about anything. They were designed with three major nodes of movement, railway, trucks and ships in mind. With the diversity of these three processes, developing a standard device was complicated, but they came up with a functional product.

The requirements of such a device were that it had be strong, large enough to handle almost every type of material, and designed for rapid cross loading from one transport mechanism to another. In addition, they had to be a stand alone device, but one that could also be easily stacked for rail and oceanic movement.

In addition to their universality of use and ease of transition from truck to train to ship and back, they also needed to be sturdy. All the products encased within had to be able to endure the extremes of the journey, no matter how short or long. This mean the devices had to be durable and strong, yet not so heavy they could not be handled.

Occasionally, special parameters must be met for specialized types of cargo, this usually has a time constraint on the transportation as a whole. These types of shipments include perishables such as foodstuff, fruits and vegetables, which not only can ripen or spoil en route, but affect the atmosphere within a closed vessel accelerating the problem. The use of an inert gas to keep the proper oxygen to carbon dioxide ration can greatly extend the life of the product.

Another area necessary for atmosphere control is when moving hydrocarbons, including and fossil fuels and derivatives. Using an inert gas to manage the atmosphere allows for safe movement of even the most hazardous of liquids. The process significantly reduces the likelihood of an explosion being set off from any source, though monitoring the gases before and during transportation is key.

The development of nitrogen purged shipping containers took an already efficient system to a level which allows for the life we live today. Products and materials move smoothly from the factories where they are built or developed to the end user distribution point smoothly. Whether it is across the state, nation or an ocean, the global logistics system can handle it.

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