Part Shade Perennials Provide Color That Returns Every Year

By Gene Bush

Part shade perennials can benefit gardeners in many different situations. Unlike annual plants that offer quick color, these varieties require two or more years to reach their maturity. Once they are established, they return each growing season providing color and foliage for several seasons. They are a popular choice in landscaping beds at the home.

Annuals grow to maturity in one growing season. They can be planted from seed, flower and produce fruit or seeds in one growing season. Most of the time, they die after they produce and need to be planted again in subsequent seasons.

In contrast, perennial plants do not flower, produce fruit or seeds during the first year after planting. Thus, gardeners often choose transplants that have already been through a first growing season in a nursery. These plants can be expected to provide flowers the first year they are added to a bed.

In areas of deep freezes, heavy frost or severe winter weather foliage sometimes dies back. In milder climates, the leaves often remain green all year long. New growth can be produced from the root system, allowing a garden that has been well planned to become vigorous again the next season.

Often beds do not receive a lot of direct sunlight. They may be shaded by surrounding buildings or receive filtered light through trees. These locations can stunt growth or even bring death the plants that love the sun. However, by selecting the correct varieties that prefer the shade, the plants can thrive.

If a gardener prefers plants that will return several years without replanting a garden in a location that is receives partial sunshine, part shade perennials make a great choice. Flowering plants of this variety can provide many different colors to fit with the color scheme of any landscape design. Plants are available that do not develop the woody stems of shrubs or trees.

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