A Study On State Bear

By Myrtle Cash

The polar climates of the world are very cold. Plant and animal life in these regions have got special characteristics in order to survive. These regions are associated with climatic seasons which keep on varying throughout the year. Summers could have a bit of warm temperatures but come winter, flakes with snow are a common thing forcing most state bear and other organisms to go to hibernation.

When one get to know about state bear they understand where they can find them. Some animals can be found in different areas for example the cows can be found in very many parts of the world. In this case, this animal is found in cold climate areas. The climates of these places are very cold that few human beings can survive on those temperatures.

Bears are able to survive for their special characteristics. Some have become extinct for example the atlas bears which disappeared slowly and does not exist up to now. The characteristics of these animals and their behavior have been discussed herein plus their general importance.

These animals are covered by fur all over so as to keep them surviving the cold weather. Keep in mind the seasonal climate involve extremely low temperatures especially during winter in Polar Regions. They also survive in this climate by being inactive when the temperature is cold to extremes. They can hibernate even for two months while waiting for a favorable weather.

It is not true with the common belief that these animals operate at night. In fact they are diurnal, operate at day time. They have a carnivorous nature since ancient species fed on meat but normally they take food of vegetable nature. However they can be said to be opportunistic omnivores for they at times can feed on meat matter and vegetable matter at the same time depending on what they can find.

They feed on vegetables thus making them herbivores. Herbivores are all animals that feed on plants. There are generally three groups of feeding category of animals. The fact that they feed on the plants mean that they are not harmful to other animals.In case they get attacked by an enemy these animals have features that help them out. They have very sharp and strong crawls that they use to fight their enemies. Though they are not harmful, interfering with them can lead to death for a human being by use of the crawls.

These animals are however important because they are very common. They are important to tourists who find them a great attraction. Tourism is an economic activity hence generation of income to enhance life and economic growth. The animals can be usually seen in geographical documentaries hence interesting.

When one get to know about state bear they understand more about them. People all over the world make dollies using these animals design. These animals reproduce seasonally when they are inactive or in dormant state during winter season they do not multiply themselves. There are other types of these animals that are found in a region below the polar called tropical region. On this region the production of the animals take place throughout the year.

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