How To Register A Company In Singapore

By Darwin Bell

Singapore Company Registration: Advantages

A growing number of overseas companies are gravitating towards Asia, especially Singapore. With thousands of companies being registered each year, these overseas companies make the small country one of the most pro-business nations and a leading economic force in Asia. Singapore renders a lot of opportunities through its favourable infrastructures, transparent politics, pro-talent and pro-business policies, and cultural harmony.

The Singapore government ensures that companies registered in Singapore are protected by legal policies and regulations. Its determined part and involvement in Intellectual Property Rights discussions and the favourable tax demand and benefits of the Income Tax Act are only among the many means of ensuring that businesses will survive and flourish in the country. Company incorporation Singapore is similarly made more straightforward and convenient to further encourage investors and business worldwide.

Company Incorporation Singapore: Prerequisites

Company incorporation Singapore is guided by the Singapore Companies Act. Company registration is a legal act that records and sanctions a company's existence as a separate entity recognised by the law. As such, corporation has a different set of rights and liabilities than its members.

As a general idea, a company must supply a company name, as well as the name of a director, at least one shareholder, a local company secretary, a local address, and at least S$1 share capital. The Singapore Companies Act limits the rights and liabilities of a company, including the processes and requirements it has to satisfy in order to be formed. Singapore company formation has two important phases: the submission and acceptance of the company name, and the filing and acceptance of an incorporation request.

Singapore company registration begins with filing a company name and having it authorised by the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA). The company name must not be similar to any existing company found in the Directory of Registered Entities. If approved, the name is reserved for a month within the filing application. A petition for incorporation can then be filed as soon as the formation requirements are accomplished. The second part of the incorporation process can be accomplished in just a day particularly if all the documents are already prepared beforehand. Hiring a professional incorporation business solutions agency is extremely beneficial in ensuring that all requirements are filed properly.

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