Search Engine Optimization Tips.

By Milan Thakor

Now days the internet has become the most wanted part of an organization as well as of a common man. Internet is also get used to search web pages of the different organizations, companies, and for the many more other work. Every time it is not possible that the user know the web address of the organization, company etc. in that situation they use the search engine like Google. Google is the biggest search engine available at current time.

For any site it is necessary that it get fist position whenever users search for them through a search engine. For doing that they have to make their web page as a search engine optimized web page. For doing that first of all we have to know that what is this SEO (search engine optimization)? There are tons of definitions available on the internet for the "Search Engine Optimization (SEO)" one of the definition is:

In the process of knowing the search engine optimization, it is most important to understand the above two methods of finding the ranks of web sites. Although these two methods are very complicated and difficult to understand. But if you want to know what Search Engine Optimization is then you have to know these two methods. One can say that the spider used by a search is just like as a robot which uses links to skulk from page to page. With these millions of spiders, map of World Wide Web can be easily drawn by the search engines. These spiders record every word written on web page they skulk.

Second method is the long algorithms. And it is well known that search engine algorithm of Google is the most appreciated formula on this planet available for the ranking. The excellent employee of the search engines have come up with an exceptionally complex formula which calculates mathematically that for any provided keyword, how high a web page should rank.

In order to know that what an algorithm do to find the ranking, there are different factors which determine the ranking, we have to take into account these factors. The factors are:How many links a web page have: - this work is done by the spiders. Spiders record the number of link.Superiority of the links attached to the web page: - this work is done by the algorithm.

Algorithm finds the quality of the links.Contents available on a web page: - this work is done by the spiders. spider records the number of contents available on the web page when it search for that web page through search engine.The reliability of a site: - this work is done by the algorithm.Any search engine have the ability of calculating the above given things then we can say that the search engine should be able to rank a web page with high level of correction.

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