Lower Your Electric Bills And Still Stay Warm

By Stanley Von Erickson

Striking a balance through the winter months between staying warm and not getting an outrageous electric bill isn't easy. Lowering air leaks or air infiltration in your household is a crucial step in decreasing your electricity usage and ultimately your cost. When the winter winds are howling, you must keep the cold air while at the same time keep the warm air in. Here are some common ways to lower heat loss and air infiltration inside to stay warm without breaking the bank.

Add insulation to your attic

Adding just one more layer of insulation in your attic will improve the energy efficiency of your home tremendously. It will keep heat inside your home where you need it.

Install small foam light switch insulators to prevent cold air from finding it way in through small openings around your switches and outlets. Feel for any cold air around your light switches to know if you need to install these.

Insulate your windows

Windows are another place where cold air can seep in while warm air escapes. Keep the blinds and curtains drawn at night to help keep the heat in and the cold out. On sunny winter days, open the drapes and blinds on the sunny side of the house. This will allow natural solar heat to warm up your house.

Buy some window insulating kits. These are plastic sheets that are stuck on to interior window frames with removable double-sided tape. The plastic sheeting insulates the windows from the inside and helps reduce heat loss and air infiltration around your windows.

Place window quilts in front of your windows. This is a simple and cheap way to block out the cold air and keep the warm air in. Putting quilts over your windows will be both decorative and functional.

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