3 Excellent Presentations on How to Craft Beautiful Presentations

By Elle Romero

You only really have to do for things when preparing to make a splash with your rockstar presentation. Step one: plan around your core message. Step two: outline how you want to present. Step three: design, design, design and lastly, step four: practice makes perfect. But sometimes even these four steps can prove to be difficult.

Regardless of what happens, you need incredible design and presentation preparation. That's why I went out and found some of the most captivating, attention-grabbing presentations out there to share. What do these presentations discuss? How to create captivating, attention-grabbing presentations, of course. Check them out:

1. How to present at TEDx found on Slideshare --- I know this is particularly for TEDx presentations, the concepts introduced here are great for what you're trying to do. Something to note is begin considering your surrounding area when presenting. Think about your presentation screen, where your audience will be, etc. Consider these when setting up and at times, you can come up with ways to creatively use the space you're given.

2. Steve Jobs Secrets of the Presentation at slideshare --- We all know how incredible a speaker Steve Jobs was. He stood out and led one of the biggest company in history. So, how can you emulate this? This presentation gives you a step-by-step guide. A memorable point to note is how Jobs' converted all of his data into tangible memorable stories for the audience to take and regurgitate later.

3. Rethinking Presentation Design (slideshare) --- This presentation tells you two important points that you should remember before you open up your favorite Powerpoint templates or slides. Those points are: a) start off with a blank piece of paper when planning your slides not Powerpoint, itself, and b) stick with one core message. Adding too much information will make your audience get distracted and later, bored.

Overall, you can absolutely be an amazing presenter. These are merely suggestions from the best speakers in the world. The key that was mentioned earlier is you just have to find your message and move forward. Your message will most likely be sandwiched between your audience's needs and what's happening in your industry. Once you have your big point, your design will naturally follow. Things like colors, fonts, powerpoint templates all follow. Then you practice for several hours and voila! You're a rockstar.

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