Successful Business Networking In 3 Simple Steps

By James Kupe

Networking with other successful business owners is one of the easiest ways to make sure you continue to have a profitable business. The more business owners you network with, the greater the chance that some of them are going to refer clients to you (and you to them) so you can both benefit. If you take the time to build relationships inside and outside your industry, you are going to find yourself with a deep pool of referral partners who are happy to help each other for years to come.

Most business owners don't network enough, and they blame the fact that they are too busy with the day-to-day management of their businesses. The 3 steps below will help you to get more out of business networking without it having to take up too much of your time.

1. Give Support To Other Business Owners And They Will Support You

When speaking with fellow business owners, you must show them how you can support their company. During the initial meeting ask as many questions as possible to show that you are genuinely interested in their service.

Give them helpful, valuable information that they can use right away to improve their business in some way. If you go into networking meetings with an attitude of truly HELPING other people without expecting anything in return, you'll find many will want to support you even more.

2. Keep Your 'Elevator Pitch' Short And Simple

Try not to confuse people you are talking with at networking events with complicated plans or explanations. Develop a short, punchy 'elevator pitch' that explains who you serve and what you do. That will help people 'get' you and your business immediately. They should be able to quickly see how you can help them, or they may know somebody else who needs your product or service.

3. Use Linkedin For Online Business Networking

LinkedIn has grown over the last few years and is now a huge online networking opportunity especially for business owners, sales people and people who are self-employed. You can look at a person's public profile and tell whether or not they are somebody you would like to build a relationship with. Offline networking meetings are still important, but you'll find it's a lot better use of your time searching for networking opportunities online, at least initially before you make the first contact.

Boost The Growth of Your Business With Networking

Your immediate goal should be to put together a crystal clear description of what your business is and does, and then go out and meet business owners with similar interests so you can start referring clients to each other. Successful business networking is an simple but important way to grow your business, get more sales, and make more money.

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