Video Game Companies & Possible Utilization of a Collection Agency

By Rob Sutter

It's clear that video game companies struggle more than they ever did before and I believe it's for a number of reasons. One of them may be because people pirate games, attaining them through means which are anything but legal. It's clear that these gamers do not have the mindset to pay, thereby stripping game developers of the funds needed to continue business and putting forth titles people want to play. Why wouldn't a collection agency be utilized so that this rampant problem deceases steadily as time goes on?

Why do people illegally download games, though? It seems like people have many reasons for doing so but some of them may not have the funds to do so. These people may be very young to the point where they do not have jobs and they do not have the patience to save up for the games they want to play. For those who are employed, it may be an example of laziness. They do not want to put forth money and buy these games like everyone else should be.

It's clear that there are gaming pirates whom practically steal games, meaning that the honest public suffers. I would like to think that this is the reason behind online passes in certain games. These grant players access to the servers but it's a one-time code that can be used. If you decide to buy the game used, you can be certain that the code will not be there and you will have to pay another fee just to make use of the aforementioned servers.

It's clear that there are number of practices which game developers take on and they are used to minimize losses, which I understand. However, I don't think that people have to put up with piracy in general, which is why I suggest that a collection agency be taken on. These are the companies which can truly bring home the dangers of illegally procuring games. With so many people telling others how dangerous it is to do such a thing, agencies such as R.R.S. can drive the point home.

I understand that gaming is not a cheap hobby and it's one that requires quite a bit of saving up as well. After all, we're not talking about TV shows or sticker books but who's to say that people can't still take a successful hobby out of gaming? Consider that there are prices which companies are going to attempt to compete with and only a select number of games truly deserve their price points each month. It's just a matter of being smart about your hobby.

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