Got the Valentine's Day Blues?

By Lucinda Murtagh

To be or not to bea cynic that is. As Valentine's Day looms ever closer, it is becoming more difficult not to see it as the grotesque abuse of those who seek to reaffirm their love for one another. Let's take the less cynical view: a day set aside to celebrate love; to relive treasured memories; to focus on the good of your relationship. Add some flowers and chocolates into the mix and you have a special day to revel in mutual love.

Whilst many people who find themselves alone on Valentine's Day find it easy to be pessimistic, especially when they are bombarded with images of happy couples, it is important to remember that Valentine's Day is not just for couples. Obviously this is easy to say when lovers seem to be everywhere, restaurants are full of romantic tables for two and soppy cards take over every store front, but what about taking a different approach this year?

I am filled with pity for these folks who are solo in a world of pairs. But, do we have it all wrong. Isn't this Day of Love a day to celebrate just that: love? Love in its various, wonderful forms. No need for the sentimental card, the chocolate rose, the exorbitant restaurant. Time for a different approach. Time to think about actual love: love of a mother, a son, a friend. Deserves celebration, right? What about acts of kindness that fill one with a sense of well-being? So, alter your focus: show those who love you unconditionally how you feel; help those in need, give of yourself. The payback will be the full realisation that life, alone, is not so cruel after all, that blessings should be tallied at the end of each and every day.

Perhaps you could also take this day to get out and meet new people, create new experiences for yourself. There are so many alternative events for singletons to attend, some of which are incredibly light-hearted and can help you to enjoy the day without all the soppy mush that surrounds it. Take speed-dating for example, if you have a group of single friends then perhaps this could be the way you pass the 'dreaded' evening, by meeting others and celebrating the fact that you are not the only one in the world who is alone. I can tell you from experience that Home House of Portman Square put on a fantastic event on Valentine's Day called 'One to One in 21' (it really is the only place to be, with a complimentary glass of Bellini and oodles of chat and introductions).

So celebrate! With others in the same boat! Yes, I like the more positive me! No need to dwell on the commercialism and clap-trap of this day. Make it special by taking control and celebrating love: just for yourself!

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