WOW Maps Introduction

By Elvin Linz

In WOW, there are many kinds of professions to choose for the players. Enchanting is one of them, which is popular as it helps a lot to earn World of Warcraft gold in the game. It allows players to enchant both armor and weapons. The enchanted armor and weapons can earn players some bonuses as well. What's more, players can also create wands used by magic casters during combat.

WOW maps guide players to go the places they want in this large world where players may easily get lost, especially when they go into a new city. Good, old-fashioned WOW maps can help players to maintain their bearings as it is hard to create a virtual GPS system at this period of time. You can find the particular auction house to buy or sell to trade with WOW gold through the map.

There are two basic factions in the game of WOW, especially in the world of Azeroth: the Alliance and the Horde. As both the Alliance and the Horde control many sections of the realms, it is important to know which sector your faction can be safe. Consider a map to be a method to avoid the equivalent of a portion of a real neighborhood controlled by a real rival gang.

Identification of the maps that are component of WOW is important and is very easy. In the upper right-hand corner of the screen, players can open the multiple maps of the game by clicking the icon. Your character is symbolized as a tiny dot roaming in the area of the screen that is a representative of the perimeters of the map. Click on the map to expand it, and the dot symbolizing your character then becomes an X.

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