Squirrel Hunting Basics

By Mike Westmoreland

Well before any amateur hunter enters the woods, he/she should get acquainted with the firearm they will be using, get comfortable shooting it and be aware of the laws around the sport. Squirrel hunting has been an exciting sport for many generations and being SAFE is the key to having a fun outing.

Just how do I locate squirrels? Do I have the right gun? What things can I do to be safe? How do you get close enough to acquire a shot? How do I clean a squirrel? This is just a sample of the possible questions that a novice hunter may have that will limit the enjoyment of squirrel hunting. Below, you will find information that will outline the basic hunting techniques used to locate squirrels and get a shot off safely.

Squirrels are careful, yet curious creatures and can turn out to be tough to locate at times but with a little wit and common sense you can have a successful hunt your very first time out! Plus, squirrels present you with a nutritious source of food. Squirrel meat is low in fat and cholesterol, and tastes delicious as well! First, let's take a look at Hunting Methods: There are several ways a person can hunt squirrels, however the two methods generally mentioned are: SIT and WAIT, or STALK.

SIT AND WAIT: This method is pretty self explanatory. You locate a spot that has the potential to draw in squirrels and you sit down and then wait for them to get within shooting range. This method is frequently utilized best when trees are in full foliage and it is not easy to see squirrels moving along branches. Look for moving leaves, shaking branches and other movement in the foliage that indicates squirrels may be scurrying along the limbs above. Also, always scan your surroundings because often enough, you'll catch the "flash" of a squirrel tail in between tree limbs.

STALK: Stalking squirrels refers to hunting squirrels while on the move. This can be a a bit more tricky than sitting and waiting, but the truth is that you can cover more ground and potentially expose yourself to better hunting areas as you stalk. Stalking places a touch of emphasis on woodsmanship (i.e. walking quietly, knowing when to move and when to hold still, etc) so a squirrel hunter on the move needs to glide quietly through the woods. When the ground is damp, walking can be much quieter, however when it's dry, you'll have to watch your step so you do not break sticks or crunch too many leaves under foot and scare away squirrels before you can get close enough to get a shot off.

When stalking, take a small amount of steps and then wait, look and listen. If you don't see or hear anything, move again. Continue using this method until you hear cutting, see movement in the trees or find a food source that you can watch for a while. Remember, you have to stop occasionally to listen for cutting and movement in the trees while watching where you walk and for motion in the branches above. When you see or hear a sign of a squirrel, move slowly toward the direction of the sound. Stop and wait again for more signs.

Generally, when you are moving and a squirrel is aware of you, they won't move either. This is why it is very important to stalk and stop. After a period of sitting still, the squirrels usually get comfortable and will start to stir again. This is your opportunity to take your shot or get yourself closer into position to make that shot. A good hunter can incorporate elements of both of these approaches to produce the best hunting potential for your hunting style. These Squirrel Hunting Basics should get you started on the way to a successful hunting adventure.

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