Finding Peace in a Memorial Service

By Rey Vetangelo

Coping with the passing of a loved one is one of life's hardest challenges. When a beloved family member or other individual passes away it can be very difficult for the surviving family members to perform a few necessary tasks such as planning the funeral services for the deceased individual.

Generally speaking, memorial services are made up of people that offer stories about the deceased, and to offer prayers on their behalf. These events happen so that people can connect with the others that are important in their life and support each other. The support of others is a powerful thing to have in this setting. When people gather in mourning and in remembrance, it makes it so that everyone feels a deeper connection with each other and with the world around them.

Leaning on others and sharing in the experience with them allows for deep connections with them to be made at this time. These connections make it so that friendships are deepened and a greater sense of love is felt for everyone else. These times are trying, but with the help and support of loved ones and friends in attendance it is possible to find catharsis and healing. The healing process is one that will take time, but can ultimately be achieved.

It is the sharing of feelings and emotions with others that makes these experiences so very powerful in nature. With a common bond of loss and the need to heal, it is easy to know why people would feel so close to each other. Being able to talk with others and express feelings is one of the best ways to address them. Those that are having a rough time but do not have a good way to express or vocalize it will likely not be as comforted as those who choose to share with others.

Firstly is to consider and decide when funeral services for the deceased will take place. Services to honor and remember the deceased can take place before or after the burial or cremation but the timing of the services will greatly affect the other proceedings and should therefore be agreed upon soon after the person passes.

No two individuals will react to the loss of a loved one in the same way. Instead, it is up to everyone in attendance to find their own context and peace. While such a thing may be difficult to comprehend, there is comfort and peace to be had by being surrounded by family and friends, listening to inspirational music, and laughing and crying at the stories and anecdotes that are being shared. Such a process encourages real healing to take place.

Likewise, getting up and sharing a story helps others to learn, completing an arc that exists between one person and the others that are in attendance. It is during these times that people can laugh and cry as they acknowledge that they have had a loss, but they are better for knowing their loved one. It is a combination of all of these things that makes a memorial service such a special time. It is a uniquely rough experience, as people come to grips with a loss that will impact their lives in a very real way.

Healing is possible over time, as individuals come to grips with why they have experienced and find ways to find catharsis and healing where they can. Most of the time, it is a process that will take a while and require the person to go through some challenging experiences. That being said, starting off this process on a positive note that is reinforced by important people should make the process much more cathartic and easy to deal with. Catharsis and peace should be sought wherever possible.

The services themselves can be much altered and arranged by the family of the deceased to fit the needs, both financially and practically, of that family. Perhaps the most important aspect to remember when planning a funeral is the wishes of those individuals who have passed away through examination of their will or other documents that will offer suggestions on how they wish their funeral services to be orchestrated.

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