Things To Know About European Linens

By Louisa Purpura

There is a lot to learn about European linens. These beautiful and high quality items can add a touch of luxury to any home and even though they can seem expensive, they are actually very good value as they provide years of wear. Some wonderful new linen will make any bedroom feel like an elegant hotel.

Switzerland, Italy and France all have a long tradition of producing exceptionally high quality linens. What sets them apart is their superior knowledge of the entire production, from start to finish. There are many factors that contribute to a superior linen. This can include the type of soil, the seed and the climate. If all of these conditions are just right, then a very valuable cotton crop is produced.

Some of the best linen companies in Europe are located in Switzerland. They are typically family owned and have been in business for generations. There products really have stood the test of time and their customers keep coming back year after year. Part of their secret is having the best suppliers. After so many years they have built excellent relationships with everyone in the production chain. From the farmers, to the spinning and finally onto the machining of the linens.

Due to the popularity of the internet many of the traditional companies in Europe are now thriving and finding a new market in the United States. Many people are enjoying the luxury of these elegant products and are willing to pay a little more for a truly unique item. Hand made sheet sets are available in a selection of styles and colors to suit every taste.

Bedding is always a popular purchase and there is so much to chose from. Sheets and pillowcases are necessary items for any home, so why not add a little luxury with a really special hand embroidered set. The feel of these sheets is unlike anything you have probably ever felt. It makes getting out of bed in the morning all the more difficult.

Towels purchased from Europe offer an extra degree of luxury. They are made of one hundred percent supima cotton, with its longer threads it offers both softness and absorbency. These towels will also last for years and make the perfect gift. The more environmentally conscious will be glad to hear they are produced without chemicals and using sustainable farming practices.

European linens are certainly a luxury worth having. The towels come in a host of exciting colors, ranging from vibrant purples and yellows to classic white and cream. With their one hundred percent supima cotton they are extra absorbent and offer years of wear. Many are manufactured without chemicals and use sustainable farming practices.

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