How In Hell Did This Happen Is The Cry Of Many Citizens

By Madeline Finch

For many years this great country has stood tall and proud while it served its people well. We lived with an immunity to the problems faced by so many others around the world. Yet here we are wondering how in hell did this happen.

This is no longer the country of plenty. The downward spiral that began with the bombings of the World Trade Center buildings, will not stop anytime soon. Obviously, the forces behind this horrific act had to be stopped, yet by going after a few, we ended up with a Middle East war that continues to this day. The problems we created must be fixed before any more harm is done.

One of the most obvious problems showed up with the high rate at which people were losing their homes. It was not that a vast number of people decided to stop making their mortgage payments, but rather they were unable to. Factories and companies were closing at an alarming rate leaving thousands without an income. Their lost revenue trickled down until it had an affect on the lifestyle we had grown accustomed to.

As people either lost the jobs they had or were unsuccessful in finding other employment, many were found to be homeless. If not homeless, they sought out the governments aid in keeping food on the table. The food stamp program was burdened as it never was before. Programs that helped these same people with the cost of heating bills had to be cut to a smaller degree because there simply was not enough to go around.

As the war in the Middle East escalated so did the cost. As thousands of our young men lost their lives, more and more funds were pumped into these war efforts. We did not declare war on those responsible for the Trade Center bombings but on entire countries. Out of desperation, people at home saw themselves committing crime to feed and clothe their children. Things they never would have thought of doing before.

The struggle continues for many as each new day arrives. These people have quit driving due to the high cost of gasoline. Children are going to bed hungry because the same amount of money is buying fewer groceries. Seniors are giving up medicine they need due to its high coat.

Finally, small steps are being taken to right the wrongs that have been done to the American people. But the process is not something that will happen over night or even over the next few months. We didn't get to where we are now in a hurry and the recovery will be just as slow.

If you among those that ask how in hell did this happen, know that you are not alone. People all over our great country are asking the same question. Better yet, many want to know exactly what is going to be done to eradicate the mess we find ourselves in.

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