Basic Facts About Company Registration In Singapore

By Harold Chan

Company registration in Singapore is not as complex as the process in other countries. All you will need to do is to have the necessary papers ready and to find out what guidelines are in place for this endeavor. Included in the list of things you need to procure are your shareholder and director names, who your company secretary will be, what your registered address is and the paid-up capital for your business.

All these requirements have to follow certain stipulations as well. For instance, your company name should be unique and should not already be used by an existing company. When selecting directors for your company, you will need to have at least one who will serve as a resident director. Directors should also be 18 years old or above, have clean records, and are not bankrupt.

Employing The Right Firm For Your Company Registration Needs

Once you have these details ready, the next step you'll need to take is to look for a firm to help you deal with company registration or company formation in Singapore. These professional agencies will allow you to understand and follow the legal process of company incorporation singapore. With their assistance, you will know what documents you will need to submit, what the procedure and the timeline is, how much you'll need to pay, and what to do next after your registration.

Some of the documents you'll be required to submit are copies of identity cards for Singaporean residents and copies of passports for non-residents. Shareholders as well as directors who are not from Singapore also need to provide other documents for this process. Proof of residency for their home country, bank reference letters, business profiles and personal profiles are just some of the required documents.

Finding These Agencies Online

You can easily locate an agency that specializes in company registration in Singapore on the Internet. Simply browse through all the sites you see offering this service and and pick the one which you think is most suited to help you with the kind of registration requirements you have. Some agencies offer registration packages while there are also those that offer free consultations to their clients.

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