2012 Master Guided Meditation - the secret revealed

By Yulia Plotkin

Imagine yourself as the enlightened being you are surrounded by buddies and relatives. You are all connected side-by-side, visualizing and meditating; listening to the sound of your lungs filling with the cool breeze and slowly breathing out. You are on top of a lovely, richly-vegetated mountain, hooked up to mother Earth with your bare feet. You can feel your heartbeat matching her vibration - Your heart has become united with the same vibration and feeling of mother Gaia - the night is pitch-black, but the stars illuminate all your surroundings.

The mountain is so high that you can see a limitless horizon. It's a beautiful night with a cool, gentle breeze that sweeps over your body. The sky glitters with millions of stars better than previously; you have entered into a relaxed universe.

Now, visualize your Secret Source Force traveling at incredible speeds toward the center of the firmament. You look back and see your physical body, your folks and your friends, all connected at the very top of the mountain. You accelerate into the sky, passing our Earth's atmosphere. You accelerate quicker and you are now able to see our complete round planet with the Sun illuminating the background of this magnificent, inter planetary horizon. Then, you pass our moon and each planet in our Solar System until the Earth becomes a small speck. Imagine going quicker and passing the limits of that kingdom and entering into new dimensions. You can see the Milky Way now. Keep going till you reach the edge of the Universe, for as long as your intelligence can imagine it.

Now, imagine facing all of this magnificent energy. As you look at this and see the planets, the stars, and the galaxies, all in their totality, imagine all this shrinking extraordinarily swiftly in front of you till you can see it in the palm of your hands. This energy - all of the galactic clusters and stars converted to a bright white, crystal-like sphere - sitting nicely in the middle of your hands. This energy that has come hereafter from the entire universe that creates worlds prepared to put into action!

Now, visualise this energy ball shining brightly, pulsating with a blue-like, pure energy, entering your body thru your forehead, flowing easily and agreeing with your body. A warm and fuzzy feeling consumes you. It's the feeling of pureness and cleanliness the recharging of each cell in your body. This energy is directing you to a higher level of your unconscious mind? The following realm of your Secret Source Force.

Concurrently, this energy ball and all of its impressive light, is shared with all of your pals, family, and each soul on this planet. First, imagine this energy flow, being connected by waves, to each individual on the mountain, and then flowing into every living soul. Imagine humanity, in its totality, connected by these waves of light and all in line with this universal energy. Imagine this energy, flowing from your forehead to each person with a light so bright, it touches every soul and every living form on this planet, providing Love, Joy, and Universal Enlightenment. Around the planet, each being feels you and you feel them, and then all this energy returns back to you, manufacturing a cycle of energy waves that's completely infinite.

Together with humanity, employ this sensation to engage into a new vision, a new awakening, and a new evolution. While you are connected to each living soul in the world, envision prosperity and constructive energy for everyone. Simultaneously, help your folks, mates, and others in their evolution, their thinking, and their feeling.

Remain in control of your subconscious, and feel your intellect continually harmonize with your Source Force; remember who you actually are.

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