Stop Prospecting Tyre Kickers

By Jason Gregory

People who cannot be bothered to make the necessary changes to improve their situation, but just like to moan about them are called tyres kickers. If a wheel hasn't go a tyre on it, the only way things will change is if you change the tyre, kicking it will make no difference.

A wheel with no tyres is useless and will get you nowhere, all of the effort in the world with the wrong equipment is just wasting valuable time.

Many people try to justify their bad attitude by claiming they have been hard done by and life has just not treated them well. They feel they deserve a hand out to compensate for their hard life.

You would think that this person would jump at a business opportunity to help them improve their situation, but oh no! They can't do a business opportunity because that is going to take effort, it is going to involve that four letter word "WORK." "Why can't I just pay the minimal amount of investment, or no investment at all, do little or no work but make between 5000 -10,000 per month?"

The world is full of those types of people the tyre kickers, these are the people who respond to a business opportunity ad and when they are contacted, instead of finding out about the legitimacy of the opportunity and the person they are speaking with, their whole focus is "How much is the investment because I have no money to invest."

For people who expect something for nothing who feel life owes them a favor because of what they have been through, there is a simple equation which is 0 + 0 = 0.

The investment in any opportunity is the floor not the ceiling, it is just the doorway into the opportunity, so you can potentially earn 6 & 7 figures. However tyre kickers will never understand that.

Tyres kickers are the people that say they are going to do something and take action, but they never move. They are stagnant like a boat on a river with no current.

Tyres kickers always know someone who tried something like this and never made any money, or they may have tried something for 3 months and they were unsuccessful.

With tyre kickers, it's never their fault, they always point the finger elsewhere instead of taking responsibility for their own short comings.

"I used to make over 100,000 a year in my previous career," as they are on their way to sign on at the benefits office to sign for their government cheque; Tyre Kicker!

"Convince me about your business opportunity and I might get involved if it does not take up to much of my time". Like that's going to happen; Tyre Kicker!

"Give me your website and you can get back to me", yeah right do you think I really do not have anything better to do than to chase people into my business? Tyre Kicker!

"I've got an idea, because I don't want to invest anything, if you give me the products i'll get rid of them and we will all make money", you waste of time Tyre Kicker!

You see 98% of the population are going to be either dead or dead broke by the age of 65 and that has nothing to do with gender, social background, skin colour or anything else other than mindset.

A lot of the people who respond to business opportunity ads are not serious, they are just tyre kickers looking for some get rich quick scheme. However there are a small percentage who are serious and they are the people you are looking for.

However the internet has revolutionized the way in which people can prospect others. Now through various strategies you can laser target specific types of people who are looking for what you have. So they are no longer business opportunity seekers but they are people who have already taken some form of action and have proved to be serious about changing their situations.

You have just found someone you can work with and help, it is now time to add value to them and help remove any fear of failure they may have. By guiding them through the systematic way you build your business and help others to do the same, this will give them the confidence to trust you so you can be the mentor they are looking for.

Once they understand that they will not be left alone, plus you know what you are talking about or you can connect them to the right information, they will then join you.

This process is so important but many people cannot to bothered the go through that process because of the time it takes. That is just silly, if all they are concerned about is getting a sign up, that is the quickest way to fail.

To understand true success, you have to look at it in the context of helping others, because the sum of the masses is far greater than the sum of the individual.

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