Ghost Hunting Tips For Adventurous Souls

By Juliette Cruz

TV shows like 'Supernatural' and 'Ghost Adventures' have made ghost hunting popular. However, getting to see an apparition is not simply a matter of going to the cemetery at midnight and waiting. You will have more success if you follow some basic ghost hunting tips.

The first thing to remember when you're out looking for the paranormal is that this is not a joke. Even though most departed spirits are pretty harmless, there are some that can and will try to harm you. If you don't pay attention to minimizing the risks involved, you may get hurt or possessed.

A essential part of preparation is to know what you want to get out of the hunt. If you are looking for lost souls, you need to know when and where they're bound to appear. Search locations that are known to be haunted and find out as much as possible about these hauntings. In this way you'll know what to expect.

When you have decided on a location, you need to find out what you can about it. Its history may give you clues as to who the haunting spirit is and why this person cannot get any rest. It will also make it possible for you to predict whether the spirit will be friendly or not. If, for example, you find that the building used to be a mental asylum where patients were severely abused, chances are that some of the spirits haunting it will have some anger issues.

Before you go on the hunt, get permission from the property owners to be there. Tell them what your intentions are and when you want to enter the property. If they don't want to grant you their permission, respect that. Also respect the fact that in a public building like a hospital, people will be trying to work and don't need you to get in the way.

Of course, you don't want to be trapped in an abandoned building in the middle of the night with a broken leg. So, before you go on the actual hunt, walk through the location during the day and become familiar with the surroundings. Note where the entrances and exits are, as well as any possible hazards like loose floorboards.

You will naturally need some equipment for your hunt. With an EMF detector you can find out if there are any disturbances in the electromagnetic field. This may indicate the presence of something paranormal. However, a strongly developed sixth sense can help with this too. If you want people to believe what you saw or heard, you will also need some way of recording it. A camera or video camera and a voice recorder are essential. Make sure that you take extra batteries, though, since paranormal activity can make batteries die very fast. Other must-haves include a flashlight with extra batteries, good shoes, warm and comfortable clothing, a mobile phone and some drinking water.

Of all the ghost hunting tips, the ones that are about your physical safety are essential. Make sure someone else knows where you're going and always go out with at least one or two other people. Also trust what your gut tells you. If you feel scared, it is probably because you should be, so get out of there. If you walk around at night, you may not necessarily encounter spirits, but you may very well encounter flesh-and-blood criminals.

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