Costa Mesa Dentists Know Best

By James Richy

How long did it actually take you to choose your last toothbrush? Did you choose it because it was the one recommended by your Costa Mesa dentist or did you get it simply because you liked the color? We sure do hope it was the first one because color alone is not a logical reason when it comes to choosing a toothbrush.

One of these foods is sweets, such as candy. One of the things that eating too much candy can cause is cavities. Cavities are not just something that discolors the tooth. However, they can actually cause the tooth to begin to rot. When this happens, it begins to decay and either falls out or eventually needs to be pulled. So, it's clear to see why a dentist would not want any of their patients to eat large amounts of candy or any other sweets. Being responsible in this aspect will save people a lot of pain and money.

A well-balanced diet is important to good oral health. People say that you are what you eat. Well, it's pretty much the same with your teeth. They depend much on what you put inside your mouth. It's best to avoid alcoholic drinks and food with too much sugar and starches. They will only accelerate the breakdown of the enamel in the teeth.

Regularly check your mouth. Aside from your dentist, you are in the best position to notice changes in your mouth. From time to time, examine your mouth and see if there are changes that might need attention. These can include sore or sensitive gums, discolored teeth, and chipped teeth. If you see any of these signs, report it to your dentist right away. Quit using Tobacco. Smoking tobacco is not only a danger to your overall health, but to your oral health as well. Continuous use of tobacco often leads to gum disease, bad breath, stains on the teeth, or worse oral cancer.

So, whenever you go to the dentist and your dental professional mentions a food that you should cut back on or cut out all together, don't feel as if you are being given a bunch of unnecessary rules. However, these restrictions are made for you protection and to help ensure that you will have the proper dental health. Besides, your specialist has studied for years and has a great deal of experience when it comes to teeth. So, there's a good chance they know what is best.

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