Teamwork is Essential for Company Success

By Darren Folkes

In order to stay in business, companies have a myriad of things to focus on.This is just as much true for small companies as it is for larger ones.Companies are made up of misc companies such as accounting and human resources.Departments have to operate on their own.But they must also work together in order for the company to remain profitable.When one department suffers it will negatively impact the company.It will ultimately have an influence on other departments.When one department is unsuccessful, it will impact the rest of the company as a whole.

This should be the motivation for departments to work together.However, this is not the thinking when it comes to many companies.Some companies have feuding departments that focus more on their respective departments instead of the company as a whole.Unfortunately, this is the doing of management and not individual employees.So employees can see their respective departments fighting.The drama starts to get out of hand.Unfortunately management still gets paid, no matter what.This will continue until not stop until the company fails.

But in the mean time, where does this leave the individual employees?This has a terrible impact because they are caught up in it.They are not motivated.Morale is not high at all.Employees are distracted.Yes, the goal is to work hard.However, there is clearly a lack of leadership at this point.It continues to fight.Why work when you don't have to?

This is when employees start doing bad things like taking longer lunches and staying on the phone with friends.There are even a few employees that are bold enough to steal from the company.Management is too distracted to notice what is going on.A disorganized company is not going to set up asset tracking technology.Also, new asset tracking software will just be another issue that management will bicker about.So, employees continue to steal. Sales are going down.The company is failing, but the departments are still bickering instead of working as a team.

All in all, this might seem like an exaggerated example, but it happens every day in many companies.Certain members of management put themselves first instead of the company.The individual parts will get nowhere without the others.When it comes to the business world, the words "team player" are probably the most overused words in the English language.But they have a huge importance.Its time for many to recognize this.

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