Is Prostatitis Antibiotic Treatment The Best Available

By Martina Garrett

Prostatitis is an infection that occurs in the prostate area. Some symptoms include pain when ejaculation, urination problems and groin pain. There might also be reoccurring symptoms over time. Medical care should be taken when the symptoms are present. It is also important to note that an emergency appointment needs to be made if the symptoms include fever as well. Prostatitis antibiotic treatment is the most common treatment.

In the prostate there are bacteria and viruses are living in the prostate. The pain and other signs might be because of the bacteria. Antibiotics are effective in treating Prostatitis, only when it is a bacterial infection. If the infection is not bacterial different treatment needs to be used. Antibiotics will not be effective in non-bacterial infection. Individuals might find the pain terrible and associated with the embarrassment of urinating accidents. Consult the doctor about alternative treatments.

There are some possible side effects when using antibiotics. Some of them include allergies. These reactions could be fatal if not treated immediately. Antibiotics are also sometimes hard on the stomach, it kills flora in the stomach. Pro biotic will assist in keeping the flora at the correct levels. Most doctors will prescribe them with the course of antibiotics. There are also gastric upsets like diarrhoea and nausea. Individuals might be off balance and tendonitis and kidney damage has also been reported. Side effects are serious and medical advice should be consulted if any side effects are present.

There are three types of application of antibiotics. The first is for acute bacterial Prostatitis. The type of antibiotics depends on the infection with bacteria. Laboratory tests will indicate white blood cells in the urine and the bacteria. This type of infection is normally susceptible to antibiotic treatment. To name a few antibiotics includes ciprofloxacin and aminoglycosides.

The second part is chronic bacterial Prostatitis. This is more durable and caused by gram-negative bacteria. This type is normally reoccurring. Antibiotics are helpful in pain relief. Some effective antibiotics include fluoroquinolones and ciprofloxacin.

The third type is chronic pelvic pain syndrome. This type is non bacteria, and antibiotics will not help as a treatment measure. Antibiotics are routinely prescribed for patients. The perception is that Prostate infection is over-treated with antibiotics.

In summary here are a few things to keep in mind. Only a small percentage of patients infections are bacterially caused. Antibiotics are only helpful in the treating bacterial infections. They are not effective in non-bacterial infections. In patients with chronic symptoms or diagnosed Prostatitis antibiotics are prescribed in excess. There are side effects to consider which includes toxic necrolysis and allergic reactions. Treatment of chronic or long term antibiotics could be very expensive.

If you have Prostatitis, it could be very painful and uncomfortable. If you have been diagnosed, talk to your specialist about prostatitis antibiotic treatment. When taking antibiotics it is important to understand all the benefits and risks. This can be researched by reading medical journals and discussion with your doctor.

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