How to Impress or Attract Girls

By Chris Grenka

Thinking how to get a girl is completely normal, all guys wonder the exact same thing. The difference is some guys, the guys who are leaving with the girls have stopped wondering and are actually impressing them.

The truth is that you can read many articles about how to attract, impress or seduce any girl but there is one thing that's vital to this process, Action! That's right, if you don't go out there and start putting the techniques and tips into practice then everything is useless.

Here We Go

1) The minute they spot a woman they like, they don't consume too long standing around thinking about how and what they're going to do. They make a decision rapidly and they go on right over to her and start talking to her.

Second, you might be wondering what they say to her. What they say is nothing out of this world. It is not some magic words or anything like that. They either say something catchy and funny or something pretty direct. Things like Can I get you something to drink?" or Only a gorgeous lady would put on such a gorgeous dress!" It's corny but said with a nice and warm smile and strong eye contact impresses more girls that you might think.

Thirdly, it takes a great man to be a good listener. Men who are good with women listen to them. If you can develop that skill and bring it into the game you will be light years ahead in this game. If you can show to a woman that you are a great listener you will win her over easily.

4) Make eye contact with her, but don't stare her out. If you can make friendly, warm eye contact with her it is a clear sign to a girl that she can trust you and she will relax in your presence and you're one step away from getting her number.

These really are the primary few tips to impress any woman.

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