Aztec Economy

By Eddie Montezuma

The economy of the Aztecs began only as a really basic outline that ultimately became elaborate as the population of the Aztecs grew. The Aztec folks knew how to successfully handle all of their resources, therefore they had been able to flourish and grow regardless of the lots of drawbacks that had been presented to them.

Agriculture: The Pillar Of Aztec Economy

Aztec had been very good farmers and agriculture was the building blocks of their economy. The Aztecs used the Chinampa way of farming which enabled the men and women to create highly flourishing gardens that not only allow them to farm the land but in addition let them reclaim the water.

They had been able to plant and harvest plenty of crops like sweet potatoes, maize, tomatoes, avocados, beans, squashes and other kinds of plants. While in the lowlands, tropical crops like papaya, cotton and cacao had been planted and harvested. Chocolate, which is used each in liquid and solid form, made the Aztecs renowned around the world. When the Spanish conquered the Aztecs, they found out about chocolate and therefore chocolate was discovered and spread across Europe. The crops that they planted and harvested were their primary source of food considering that they rarely hunted animals as food, only eating turkey as some kind of special event food.

Use Of Money In Aztec Economy

The Aztecs were surely an advanced people because they knew about the worth of money. Many types of money were employed by the Aztecs and the cacao bean was one of the standard money utilised by the Aztecs. For example, a little rabbit would cost a person about thirty cacao beans, but if a man were to market his own child (in particular a daughter), that man would gain about 600 cacao beans. Do not forget that marketing one's own child was common for them and they even regarded self sacrificing one's self as the greatest honor a warrior can get.

Apart from the cacao beans, the Aztecs utilized quachtli; a type of cloth that the Aztecs definitely treasured. It's said that this sort of cotton cloth was more valued than the cacao beans and if a typical man had been given ten quachtli, than man can live for half a year in Tenochtitlan.

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