Photography: A Great Creative Outlet For Personal Expression

By Annalise Jessica Sanchez

Photography can be a very fulfilling recreational activity. You will have to gain some knowledge and put in some effort so that you are taking pictures properly. The article that follows gives you some really good pointers that will come in handy when getting started.

Pay attention to how much light is available so you can avoid overexposed or even underexposed photos. Learn to read and pay attention to the camera's histogram display. Check the histogram to find out the exposure you are getting in a shot so you can improve on it with the next shot.

Keep in mind that expression of emotion in pictures does not stop at smiles. When humans are prompted to express their true selves, real stories are portrayed. Consider all of the great images throughout history that captured true emotions, such as the "Migrant Mother" photograph taken during the Great Depression or the shots taken of the children running through Vietnam when it fell to Communism. Regardless of what you intend to do with your pictures, you have to look for genuine emotions when taking photographs.

When you are going through your photographs and picking the ones that you want to show to others, be sure to pick the cream of the crop. Don't show every picture you've ever shot, and don't show too many photos with the same theme or subject. It is very tedious to see this type of repetition. Keep things unique by trying out different types of shots.

A photographer should take pictures that are relevant to what they want to express. One of the cornerstones of taking eye-catching, meaningful photographs is to have a good understanding of composition. When looking at photographs will proper composition, people will be able to understand the meaning the photographer is trying to share.

Take your pictures with a manual white balance. This has quite an impact on the picture's mood, and it allows you to control what your picture will look like. You'll have to learn what settings look best for different situations, but once you do, you'll have more freedom for creativity.

Experiment with new ways to use your camera, and take some original pictures. An original point of view or an original take on an old subject will give you a personal style that attracts attention. Do not take pictures that people have seen over and over again. Try out a creative style with your skills, and try unique angles.

When photographing a person, position the camera at the same level as the person's face. People will be drawn to the photo because it will have a very personal feeling about it. You may have to stoop down to do this when photographing children.

Have you ever wanted to photograph subjects that were wet or left in the rain? You can mimic this effect by using a spray mister and covering your subject with water to simulate rain.

Lighting is very important when it comes to taking pictures outside. What could be a beautiful photo can easily be ruined when lighting is too dark, too light or fuzzy. A good tip to follow is to always position the sun right behind you, or make sure the subjects you're taking pictures of are in a shaded area. Your pictures will be beautiful because you have taken advantage of the optimum lighting conditions.

The next step is to grab your camera and get out there and practice these tricks. Soon enough though, your ability to take good photos will keep improving.

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