Media Agency Manchester

By Shannon L Smith

There's great deal of buzz and hyperbole concerning social media firm. Much of it effectively ought to have. This concept is such a brand new one that so many writers are calling it a change in the marketing communications. There goes that social media nonsense once more.

Just what's new is that social media is word of mouth advertising on anabolic steroids. Online marketers for centuries have actually known that the most effective sort of advertising is word of mouth advertising. If a counted on buddy, who you think is competent relating to vehicles, tells you he enjoys his ever-reliable BMW and would never exchange it for a Mercedes that will certainly have more effect on your purchasing choice than any sort of expensively created TELEVISION advert. How can a brand that wants to sell thousands of systems in hundreds of countries every day harness that strength? By the successful use of social media, that's how.

The world of social media can be a bit like politics - full of statistics that have been manipulated to fit the users' agenda. Face book users totaling 500m, 110m Twitter users, 60m professionals using LinkedIn, 73% of UK women using face book, etc, etc. But take a look around you. Look at what your family and friends are doing with social media. Where do they look before they book that hotel in the Greek Islands? Yes, Trip advisor, because they believe what 'real people' have to say before glossy brochures and company websites.

And ask yourself this question: Why are the world's most oppressive regimes working so hard to block social media so that they and they alone, are able to influence public opinion? Independent research shows that the financial performance of the brands most engaged in social media agencies saw revenues; gross margin and net profit grow significantly more than those that weren't. There is a clear correlation and connection between social media engagement and achieving KPIs. Social Media agencies are about the efficient distribution and propagation of your content across social media. It is about increasing the exposure of the content you already have or the content you are soon to develop. It is social because it is passed from person to person, network to network, by people. Our job is to find the key social media marketing leverage points where your content can add maximum value distribute your content there and let social mechanisms do the rest. This is effective social media marketing.

The key, of course, is to make your content add value to people's online experience. A by-product of this propagation of your content is social buzz surrounding your brand, a growing rate of inbound links and higher visibility. All of these items contribute to higher natural search engine rankings (SEO), automatically, without your intervention.

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