Facts About Musician Cole Ford

By Elinor Tran

Musician Cole Ford is an independent entertainer who works out of Fort Worth, Texas. He has a gift for singing and songwriting. Although many Dallas residents are already fans of this talented young performer, he has made it his goal to reach a much wider audience than his home state.

Listeners are free to download his recordings without charge to any device they choose and enjoy it. This will allow it to reach more people using various channels. Whether you want to email a friend to share the link or enjoy the melodies together in your car or living room, the artiste makes it possible.

If you appreciate the type of music he does, you can share links to his free downloads via Facebook, Twitter or other social media sites. Some of these recordings provide extended listening that will please people who favor instrumentals. Others, such as Everything You Wanted display his vocal range.

His most recent EP is named Broadway Trash. As the category suggests, it provides you with more listening time than a regular single. A download of this particular recording is available for free on the website. Other songs that showcase his talent are: StormsRemembrance in the CityMonsoon DaysMeaning

You can follow the artiste on Facebook or subscribe to his YouTube channel and enjoy his performances there. Broadway Trash has been received with positive reviews from the music fraternity. Sites that are dedicated to indie artistes say that his work cannot be pigeonholed and that it challenges your preconceptions.

You can easily follow Cole Ford on Tumblr. He also has a profile on Emeraz as well as on MySpace with other musicians. Several locations make it possible to get his EP. He regularly produces new recordings that communicate his vision and perspective. Fans should visit his site every now and then because he will release fresh downloads. You can also email him to learn more about his work.

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