Dog brushing tips

By Jerry Welsh

Grooming the dog is one of the responsibilities that must be undertaken by a dog owner. Grooming sessions would not take much of the time of the owner as a ten minute session everyday would already be enough to ensure the health and the happiness of the pet. Aside from the health benefits the dog would gain, the grooming sessions also enhance the relationship between owner and pet.

Regular coat brushing is one of the essential grooming routines as it would ensure the admirable appearance and the health of the fur and skin. Because the pet is touched and petted and the fur closely examined when groomed, the owner can easily spot abnormalities in the skin that can be symptoms of health concerns and parasite infestation. With regular brushing, the dog owner would have the opportunity to take note of abnormalities in the skin that start to develop like rashes or bumps and lumps. External parasites will be discovered as well. Early detection of parasite infestation and any other health concerns would also mean early administration of treatments and full recovery of the pet.

Tangles and mats are more prevalent in long haired breeds thus these pets would need more frequent coat brushing. Short haired dogs are considered to be low maintenance breeds but they would still require coat brushing. Regular brushing primarily removes the tangles and give the pet an immaculate coat but this grooming ritual also ensures the distribution of the oils that keep the skin and the fur healthy.

When it comes to coat brushing, no particular brush and comb will fit all breeds of dogs. A dog owner can accomplish the grooming routine easier and in less amount of time if the right kind tool is used. Choose a slicker brush if your pet has a short and smooth coat like the Boxer, Chihuahua and Doberman Pincher. Wide toothed comb and steel pin brushes are best for long haired dogs like the Maltese and Shih Tzu as these brushes are designed to remove mats and tangles.

A bench or a platform for large breeds and the counter top for small breeds would make the task of brushing the dog easier and less back breaking. Short haired breeds can be brushed from the head down to the rear end going in the direction of the hair growth. Brushing long haired breeds would be easier if the fingers will be used first to loosen the tangles before the wide toothed comb or the steel pin brush is used. Be sure not to pull the hair when you run the brush through. Thoroughly brush the hair on the tail, ears and feet.

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