Building Patience And Persistence

By Paul Martin

In this nerve wracking world in which we live, time is a concern that's on everyone's mind. We all seem to never have enough time. We all scramble against time without concern to how we manage it in our lives and in our businesses. When we need to take time with a project, we rush to get finished as we can't bear to wait to reap the benefits of our hard work. Time is something every online businessman fights with each day as to be successful online one must manage time as this is one of many life projects that can't be rushed.

Impatience and procrastination are two faults of man. We can't wait for anything and lose interest when we get it. Go figure.

Too many online failures today can be attributed to these faults. We waste time and do not dedicate the time required to build the business, and at the same time impatient to get results. We try a specified program or method of promoting and when we don't witness the results quick enough we change our plan. We try something different that can get us the results we'd like quickly and once more those results elude us. Yet unknown to the marketing expert, his efforts were actually starting to bare fruit, but not quick enough.

What sort of time and effort is lost when you keep changing the game plan. You can't go forwards and bring about success particularly online if you keep changing techniques as you are continually taking backward steps instead of progressing forward.

Take into account that when you are building a business online, your efforts are continually recorded. Whether or not it's by search websites or what have you, all that you do lingers on the internet and finally over a period of time will diminish.

Building an online business takes time... A lot of time. If you have got a strategy of selling or whatever and you like it, then stay with it. Do not give up because you aren't seeing the results that you desire fast enough. Chances are that you have been misled in some way as to what your expectations should be. Grow your business slowly. Allot one or two hours a day and no more. Too much work will burn you out and before long you will give up. Offer up 2 - 3 hours a day but do it each day... No exceptions and be certain to set targets. (I'll discuss that in another article)

Online business isn't an immediate cash monster. You are not going to make money for at least a year. You can make a few sales, but profit before a year is pretty rare unless you currently have a successful site and you are just expanding your reach, but aside from that its just not going to happen. Keep your chin up, keep working and monitoring your progress so you can change techniques as you go instead of falling into the abyss and starting over. Make corrections in your promoting rather than restarting. Don't be afraid to mess up. We learn from our mistakes and recognizing mistakes builds creativity.

Patience and persistence are your best friends... Don't forget that. Nothing worth while comes simply.

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