Wedding Invitation Wording Samples

By Cindy Cenora

Should be a fantastic wedding invitation text "in the moment"? If so, you've come to the right article. This is what I want to now talk to the sampling of the text of the notice of marriage. You can choose based on your needs, whether it be yours or your parents of the bride, or both. In addition, these models are good enough for online invitation via e-mail and social networking sites like Facebook. Do everything according to your needs. Samples of wedding invitation wording, that you should consider before you make hundreds of invitations from friends and colleagues here:

From you as the Couple

Usually now couples to make their wedding invitations. If you want to have an unofficial wedding day, so it is better to use less formal language, so that the guests are not formal clothes when they come to your party. Invitation to the wedding to start, start your invitation from quote, phrase or part of a letter, which is right for you and your fiance:

"This day I married a very dear friend, I laugh, live the dream of love."

Then follow the sentiment feeling with the extension to invite your guests:

"Join us," or "be our guest", or "We invite you to celebrate, we're married"

After the formal ceremony is arranged so that they know, you can type the following sentence:

"Emily Haines and Abraham Gills request the honor of your presence ..."

Follow any examples of relevant information, including the names of the married spouse name, date, time and place of the wedding ceremony. You have to write for a wedding invitation, the official language, that their guests come dressed in evening dress.

The parents of the bride

Bride wedding that the parent is based on traditional customs parents bride with the following text:

"Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Brody"

"ask the honor of your presence at the wedding of his daughter Elias Van Howard and Anne Mary..."

When you use another word, may refer to:

"Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Brody invites you to share the joys of marriage by her daughter ..."

In the same way as the official wedding invitations, invitations, you can start with a short poem and sentimental sentence or phrase after the parents of the groom ' may appoint, by adding a line:

"Elijah Van Howard son of Dr. and Mrs. Danny Van Howard..."

When her parents divorced, the bride, the text of your wedding can be turned on with the mothers of the bride by the name of the father on the next line for parents, but if one of them again, can be written as follows:

"Mr. and Mrs. France Lloyd and Mr. Hubert Spencer request the honor of your presence ..."

The bride and groom's parents hosting

Following the same guidelines above may be added to the invitation wording examples only with the name of the parents of the groom:

"Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Jameson and Mr. and Mrs. Matthew grind request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their children."

While for sticky situations involving divorced and stepparents, you could also use the wording:

"We invite the families of James and grind in to share the joy of marriage uniting their children ..."

The Couple and Both Families are Hosting

If both families, you can write these wedding invitation wording examples:

"With blue Johansen family Catherine Jared Leighton Steward."

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