The Bio-Diversity of Mexico's Wildlife Is Simply Amazing

By Duende Tours

Owing to the fact that Mexico has huge differences in landscapes and climate it is blesses with a wide variety of flora and fauna. There is indeed a lot for a traveler to see and explore from mountains to rich tropical jungles to coral reefs and crystal clear ocean waters.

Mexico's wildlife in wide variety is breathtaking; more than thirty thousand flowering plants grow there, such as orchids, frangipani, magnolia, bougainvillea and a lot more.

It goes without saying that the plant which is associated mostly with Mexico is the cactus. There are more than 89 species of Cacti family growing in the country. A fun fact is that the earlier name of Mexico City was Tenochtitlan, which implies 'place of the sacred cactus' in ancient Aztec's language who inhabited it.

You can also find thousands and thousands of species in Mexico, and moth species as well as butterfly species reaching over two thousand. A few of the most fascinating butterfly species that could be observed in this area are the Two-Barred Flasher, Tropical Buckeye, Giant Sickle-wing and a lot more.

More than a thousand species of birds nest, raise their chicks, and stay throughout the year in Mexico. Parrots, toucans, flamingos, ibis, humming birds and macaws are some of the most common and well known bird species which can be found in Mexico.

Among the most prized as well as most stunning birds whose feathers Maya, Aztec and other Mesoamerican civilizations utilized as adornments as well as in events is the quetzal. These days this bird is rare and it is at risk of extinction. They even imagined a few of their deities donning a decoration made from its feathers.

Apart from that, the marine life of Mexico is also diverse. A lot of travelers head to Mexico each and every year to get an opportunity to swim together with the dolphins, sea lions, giant sea turtles and the whale sharks. The diversity of marine life does not stop there - Giant mantas, barracuda, sardines, swordfish and mackerel are some of the sea creatures which compose a small part of the rich marine wildlife of Mexico.

All through the winter, an endless number of migrating gray whales are visible on their path from the Bering Sea to their feeding and also breeding grounds. These giants can become up to 52 feet long and can weigh as much as 36 tons. In groups and to their feeding ground these animals swim which is surely something not to be missed seeing.

Almost never, but with fortune, a traveler can spot the West Indian Manatee in the lagoons of Sian Ka'an, but these large sea mammals are very rare, hence encountering them is for sure based on luck. These are very big, gray mammal animals which can grow up to 14 ft. long. They've got very remarkable paddle-like limbs and tail.

In regards to land wildlife in Mexico, the diversity is wonderful at the same time. Various kinds of reptiles for instance crocodiles, turtles and spine-tailed iguana live in the Yucatan Peninsula's lakes, rivers as well as forest.

Various other land animals such as puma, lynx, ocelot, jaguar, monkeys, tapirs, bears and wolves are wanted to be seen by most tourists. Encountering most of these animals in the wilderness tend to be perilous, hence the ultimate way to spot them is by staying on the marked paths and to have an expert guide who is informed about the territory as well as has learned how to protect you from a mad animal if perhaps the situation necessitates it.

Mexico's wildlife although diverse yet it is affected by pollution, urbanization and industrialization. Today, many of the land and seas of Mexico are protected to preserve and take care of the species which live in the area and for future generations to come.

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