Why Should People Use Certified Refrigerant Disposal Companies

By Jacob Hunter

Freon gas is what is used in many older household appliances for keeping them cold. This can be found in items like fridges, freezers, or air conditioners. This gas has been linked to environmental hazards that have caused some serious damage to our world. Therefore, the EPA has issued regulations about the proper refrigerant disposal guidelines.

These gases have been said to cause the outer protective layer of the earth's atmosphere to become weakened. They have been said to give off greenhouse gases, which have set global warming into motion. Fortunately, the appliances that have been manufactured in that past couple of decades are using a more harmless type of Freon.

When needing to get rid of any appliance that has Freon, first make a phone call to the local garbage pick-up department. They will be able to tell a person the proper way to dispose of the appliance in their area. Some of these facilities will come to pick up the hazardous materials themselves. If there is no local Freon recovery in the area, then try the city's landfill offices.

If the landfills do not have any help to offer, several EPA-certified salvage companies can help. However, many of these may only work with businesses rather than residences. They may be able to give some suggestions on whom to contact to get the help that is needed.

If all else fails, contact a business that sells that appliance. Since many of these businesses deal with their removal on a regular basis, they may have some options for others as well. They will most likely have connections with the reclaimers and can take care of it for the owner.

While this gas is considered harmless to people, it can cause some problems with the environment. It is important to not let the gasses escape when dismantling the appliance. The best solution for proper refrigerant disposal is to call the professionals.

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