Large Venue Traffic Control

By Jessie Mccafferty

Your large venue will probably suffer from traffic problems of some sort on a regular basis. Anywhere a large carpark holds hundreds or thousands of cars, it's inescapable that there'll be accidents, stalls, bottlenecks and jams. One way many big locations help stop this is by hiring a substantial number of staff to both help direct drivers in when parking, and lead them out to the highway safely after events. There are a considerable number of things you can do to help to improve safety overall.

Improve Safety with Driver Feedback Signs

It's important to make sure staff are safe. Cars that go too quickly or drive recklessly can be hazardous to staff standing in or near the flow of automobiles. Anything that may be done to prevent the perils is a step in the correct direction. Glow-in-the-dark vests that are neon and highly visible in the daytime, flashlights with cones, better lighting for parking lots and obviously marked driving lanes can all help.

Driver feedback signs that display drivers' speeds can also help slow traffic and make these areas safer. While a crammed car park might not seem like the spot for such a sign, particularly when cars are stopped more than they are moving, these signs can work best in more open areas like the roads leading to and from the lots, or maybe in the lots when traffic is moving at a better pace.

Size of Events Can Identify Placement of Speed Signs

In a sold out event at your venue, driver feedback signs on the roads leading from and to lots, as well as in parking lots where autos can move reasonably freely, can help traffic flow. In events where full capacity isn't anticipated and traffic will be funneled into certain portions of a carpark, signs can be moved to these areas. Transportable speed signs with battery packs or solar-powered signs are a good option for parking lots in these situations.

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