Being in a New Relationship When You're Still Reeling from the Old One

By Kurt Fuller

When it comes to relationships, it can either be terrifying or maybe the most wonderful experience. This is true especially if you're not over the previous relationship. There are relationships that are easier to get over than others.

It's not a good idea to leap into a new relationship unless you've put some of the old hurt behind you. But while you're struggling to make yourself whole again, you can't exactly hide from the world for months or years.

One thing you want to make absolute certain is that you aren't setting yourself up for the typical rebound relationship. You'll be left even more wounded than before with rebound relationships and it's not healthy for either party. Before you get involved with someone else, allow some time to pass in order to avoid rebound fallout.

Confront the past and recover from it is something you need to do in order to move on. Even though this isn't the easiest thing to do, if you want to clear the path for better relationships, then you need to have it done.

Time (and ice cream) can't heal all wounds and sometimes you need to be proactive in your recovery.

While you're recovering, try to give yourself time, strength, and energy to learn to love again.

Discover the things you like about yourself and the world in general. To recover, don't dwell on past failures and hurt and instead fill your life with good things.

If letting go is something you're having trouble with, then try counseling or joining a support group. You shouldn't be ashamed of this. Your self-esteem takes a hit when a relationship ends, particularly if it ends badly.

Pain and doubt will be there, and you should talk your way through the hurt without fear of being judged or condemned. With counseling, you'll be able to see yourself in a positive light again and even see the world with optimism.

If you do this, your new romance will have a much greater opportunity to blossom and grow than if you jump in too quick and never deal with the hurt and anger from your past.

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