Why Are Not A Lot More Individuals Doing More In This Energy Crisis

By Cecil Chen

If there truly is an energy crisis going on right now, why is it that more men and women aren't doing their part to help take care of this issue. Which problem is bigger, that we're running out of fossil fuels, or that non-renewable fuels are doing irreparable harm to the environment? Some individuals have the misguided belief that it is actually good that we are running out of fossil fuels mainly because then we are going to not have the ability to cause the planet damage. You have to remember that the planet as well as the folks on the planet has survived for thousands of years without electricity or products that run on fossil fuels.

Is life better today with all of the modern day conveniences, or will it be better to go back to a simpler time? Most folks are followers, so how could they be the ones who are to blame for the problems of the earth. One of the leading problems is marketing and men and women are told that they need to purchase a new car each and every year to stay up with all the latest technologies available. It should make you wonder if it's actually the people's fault or if it is the major businesses fault. You need to recognize the only way we're going to beat this energy crisis is to stop using items that are not absolutely needed but is this a thing that is actually possible in today's world.

Time was men and women did not actually watch every sporting event on TV or travel by airplanes as much as they do now, and most companies were also shut down on Sundays. People used to manage just fine when almost all organizations were closed on Sundays. Recreation is huge for plenty of individuals and families and when this also could be cut back on it could help. The problem is that individuals are not going to merely adhere to the suggestions simply because they feel it's the proper thing to do, it is something they're going to have to be made to do for these changes to take affect.

It's for people's own good that the government has passed seatbelt laws and also cellphone laws while driving, and this may be no different than passing laws conserving energy. Some men and women in the government will tell us that we're in an energy crisis and other individuals will tell us that we're not, which makes it very hard for individuals to believe one or the other. You need to understand that if everyone was telling everybody else that we're in an energy crisis more people would actually do what they had to do in order to get out of it.

If major corporation leaders and our government could in fact agree on ways to decrease the amount of energy consumed this could greatly benefit the planet. Most folks are just trying to survive, and they would be willing to do their part to save our world, if they knew what it had been.

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