Hip Bachelorette Night Ideas

By Laura Wade

Let's be honest - some hen night themes can be pretty tacky, but if you're looking out for a cool hen night concept, then look no further. Gather your best buddies, and organize a classic rock n roll themed night, featuring all of your favourite female iconic rockers.

When pondering ideas for costumes, you could either plump for a specificera in music, or you could go for a particular style of rock music - heavy metal, grunge, punk and glam are all immediately familiar looks that will look completely superb. If that all sounds a bit general, then why don't you think about dressing as your favorite rock star? There are plenty to make a choice from but think Debbie Harry, Joan Jett and Courtney Love to get you moving.

When you're planning entertainment you could think about going to your local music venue to see a gig, or, if you're prepared to do so , organize your own! If this all seems a bit much for you and you want something a bit more subdued, you could always put on some Guitar Hero or Rock Band, swig back some Jack Daniels and rock out in the comfort of your own living room. Or, if you'd like something more in the middle ground, you might hire or ask a friend to DJ.

If you do make a decision to hire somewhere, you might ask them to make you up a rider rather than taking the more standard catering route. These are traditionally pretty out there so go nuts with your inspiration for the true rock star experience.

If you decide to make your own invitations, making them up to seem like backstage passes is an amazing concept, as are wristbands. These will also give everybody something to hold on to and make sure that they remember this amazing night forever!

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