Famous Toy Breeds Of Dogs

By Allan Stanforth

There are numerous toy dog breeds to select from, all with varying dispositions and physical features. Seeking the toy dog for you might take some time, but doing some investigation in advance will ensure that you will get a dog which is right for you.

If you're seriously interested in a particular breed, it is best to visit a breeder, attend some dog displays and gather as much info as possible before making an order. There are some breeds which are more renowned as compared to others.

Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terriers are referred to as "Yorkies," and are extremely dainty and energetic little dogs. These mini terriers make a splendid addition to any family, love attention and will sit and also snuggle with your for hours on end. Young pups may be exciting and should be watched so that they don't get damaged.

Playtime everyday is essential to work off steam. Yorkies are extremely vulnerable and don't like to be handled roughly. Mainly because of their extremely small size, owners need to "Yorkie-proof" their homes to keep the little canine safe always.


The Chihuahua is a feisty little dog that is bold as well as confident. This is one of the numerous toy dog breeds in which love to play and will go for many hours on end with out stop. Chihuahuas are amazingly sweet natured and make a adoring pet; however, they're not specifically sociable with unknown people or small children, and might bark or snap. Chihuahuas are fast learners and easy to train, making tricks an enjoyable experience. The Chihuahua has no fear of some other dogs, not matter what their size, and will sometimes attack. Owners needs to keep their little mite on a leash at all times.


More often termed as a "Pom," the Pomeranian descends from the Spitz dogs of Iceland. Pomeranians have beautiful long coats and a playful spirit. Pomeranians like to be carried in baskets, bags, or in their owner's arms wherever they are going. This high-energy puppy is amongst the cleverest of the toy dog breeds and is extremely easy to educate.

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