Diabetes in the U.K. How big an issue is it for you?

By Julian D Etheringto

How big an issue is diabetes in the U.K.? Huge, according to a doctor friend of mine and according to Diana Young, chief executive of DiabetesUK, it's the most serious health challenge of our times.

Type 2 diabetes can develop through a lack of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and once you are diagnosed, then looking after your health becomes an even more important part of your daily life. By getting back on track, you can reverse the situation. However, this condition now affects 3.7 million people across the U.K. and accounts for 10% of the National Health Service budget. These statistics are still increasing.

So Type 2 diabetes is a very big issue in the U.K. and becoming increasingly so. Diana Young of diabetesU.K has said it is the most serious health challenge of our times. It's something that we all need to think about in this age of easily accessible food and worldwide transport systems. By taking the time to exercise regularly and eat healthily we can reduce our chance of developing the condition.

As we get older, a lot of people are likely to put on weight, but just by taking the time to engage in a relatively small amount of exercise (there are guidelines available on the NHS website) then you can ensure that you are not one of the increasing number of people that are diagnosed.

It is a huge issue and one that is not easily going to go away. It will also continue to put a strain on government and NHS resources as they fight to deal with the health costs of a nation becoming more obese and more likely to develop conditions such as diabetes and other related illnesses. They is definitely an increase in barometric surgery. However, this a very drastic may to deal with a weight increase and not one to be undertaken lightly as it has long term consequences and is in many cases, irreversible.

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