Coping With Squirrels: Squirrel Removal Tips

By Betty Walker

Many house owners think squirrels are cute and innocent creatures. That is, until they start causing Problems around their home. They are especially a nuisance to anyone trying to produce a garden. Here are a few squirrel control tips.

If you have got a plant garden, then it will be particularly inviting to squirrels. If you don't take the appropriate measures, then they're going to keep returning to munch on your goodies. You can try to keep them out using hardware cloth or a wire fence around your garden.

You can also try planting peppers in your garden since squirrels avoid them. If you don't have any planted, then dust cayenne pepper around your garden to keep them out. You would need to do this each day, especially if it rains.

A garden is not the only potential source of food for squirrels. They are notorious for feeding on birdseed. If you would like to feed your winged chums, then it's best for you to speculate in a specially designed bird feeder. Also, ensure you do not leave any birdseed scattered around outside.

Squirrels will try to get in your rubbish can to find meals too. You need to ensure the lid is always on tight. If you utilize a plastic trashcan, then pests may gnaw right through it to gain access. Using a metal can is a far better concept.

It's also necessary to note that squirrels will get into your home if you are not careful. They frequently set up shop in attics. They can get onto your roof using branches which are hanging over it if you don't keep them trimmed.

There shouldn't be any opening on the outside of your house they can use for access. If you find any openings, they ought to be sealed as quickly as practicable.

You should also know squirrels can enter your house thru your chimney if you don't have it sealed. You can prevent this by installing a chimney cap to keep them out.

Some householders resort to using repellents to keep squirrels in check. Mothballs are the most common kind of repellent used. Fox piss is another repellent you can try. Repellents should be combined with other defensive measures since they are infrequently extremely impressive when used on their own.

Don't let squirrels cause issues around your house. Do not leave any food outside which will attract them. Also, ensure there are no openings they can utilize to get access to your loft.

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