Using An At-Home Mole Remover

By Fabian Estrada

People who are born with moles, or develop them later in life, sometimes want to get rid of them. Often, people like to get rid of them without having a doctor do it, for financial or personal reasons. Sometimes this can be accomplished with an at-home mole remover, but not always.

Moles are benign growths that a lot of people have since birth. Prolonged exposure to the sun also results in the formation of a mole. Although moles themselves are not dangerous, they can be confused with things that are. Certain types of skin cancer resemble moles and certain types of moles can actually become cancerous sometimes. Keeping an eye on your moles and making sure that they remain constant in terms of size, color and shape can be helpful in making sure nothing bad is going on.

Some types of moles are very bumpy and raised from the skin and others are completely flat. Still others fall in between. For those that stick out, an easy and popular at-home removal method is to tie off the blemish with a clean piece of dental floss and allow it to fall off. Keeping everything clean is important in this method and some swelling and soreness can be expected during the process.

Most other methods of removal are topical. These are usually skin irritants that cause a scab to form. When the scab falls off, the mole goes with it. Many doctors are not in favor of this method of removing moles, because it usually requires scratching or cutting the skin, which can cause infection if not done carefully.

A scar is usually left once the scab falls off in any kind of removal technique. Most methods of removal lead to the possibility of permanent scarring. While some doctors use this as a case against home treatments, medical removal can also leave scars. The important thing is to consider whether you would rather have the moles, or scars in their place, before seeking any kind of treatment.

Commercial products intended for a wide range of uses including removing warts, skin tags and moles, are easily available from most drugstores. These work in most of the cases but at times they may fail to give results. In most cases, they do exactly what they are supposed to do, but sometimes the moles grow back. This is not unique to at-home remedies (it can also occur after a medical removal procedure), and happens because the root of the blemish did not get removed.

It isn\'t necessary to purchase a specialized cream however. Many people find success with other types of skin irritants when used in the same manner, applied to scratched skin over the surface of the moles. The most commonly used substances are apple cider vinegar and garlic, although unique options such as dandruff shampoo are also sometimes suggested.

Because of the requirement to break the skin to allow the irritant to enter, there is always a possibility of contracting an infection. It is extremely important to keep things as clean as possible while working. Items used for the process should be sterilized with alcohol or a flame and the skin should be wiped clean with alcohol. Even after all of this, infection is a risk, so keep a close eye on the area while healing occurs.

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