Tips for Aspiring Children Photographers

By Manto Farrill

If you're looking to generate some income kid photography could be a good niche to begin in! There is not a parent in the world who doesn't want a nice looking photograph of their kid. Youngsters get born and they grow up, this suggests your consumer pool will never dry up!

So where to begin? My first and foremost tip is to buy a electronic camera. Yes analog cameras could have a more natural feel to it. Analogue film has a certain look that is hard to emulate, even with Photoshop. But in this case the negative outweighs the positive. Because analog film also implies you can't see the result till you have developed the picture.

So in comes digital photography! With digital photography you hook your camera up to your computer and you can right away see the result. With child photography this is more crucial than ever. It allows the mom and dad to select a photo they like right there and then. You don't have to bill them for costly development costs and it gives you more liberty to experiment.

There's a business reason for concentrating on child photography as well. I shoot a large amount of kinderportretten (dutch Kid Portraits) and they finish up in people's homes. After a bit you get assignments from folk who saw your photo's in their friend's house. Your announcement is everywhere! It's a bit of a snowball effect though. Only after one or two shoots you'll see this become effective. But when it does there isn't any stopping it and you will have a hard time keeping abreast of demand!

I'll be honest. Youngsters are one of the hardest subjects to shoot. Some find it hard to act natural in front of a camera and others just will not behave. If you're sufficiently unlucky to work with such a brat and their mother and fathers' only reaction is "ow cutey dear just try and sit still", you are in for a treat. Just keep your head calm, be pro and direct them! Good luck and keep it going.

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