How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

By George Bevans

If you are going to eradicate bed bugs from a room, the process necessary to do that is actually quite strenuous. But it sounds like it should be easy as all you have to is just clean everywhere. It's no ordinary sort of cleaning though as the focus has to be on the very small gaps around the room.

The Routine To Get Rid of Bedbugs

Instead of trying to do it yourself, the best thing to do if you want to eradicate the bedbugs as quickly as possible is to get in pest control experts. They'll have the experience to know what it takes to get rid of them the first time. Alternatively though you can try to do it yourself.

If you have decided that you are going to do it yourself, or even if you're going to leave it to the professionals, what you should do first is get rid of the clutter. This will eliminate hiding places for the bedbugs, and at the same time hopefully also get rid of a few of the things that might already be hiding there.

After that it's a good idea to vacuum. This will get rid of any of the creatures that might have fallen off the rubbish that you have removed. For the edges, which are hard to get to, you should sprinkle some Diatomaceous Earth there. That also goes for other small gaps around the room, such as any gap between skirting boards and the wall.

Now that you have tidied up it's time to take as much as possible out of the room as you can to make the rest of the cleaning easier. So for example CDs, books, and anything on shelves or in drawers. Clothes and fabrics should be washed while everything else should be cleaned thoroughly. It should all be left outside the room once you are satisfied it doesn't have any bedbugs on it.

When you have done that you should only be left with the more permanent items in the room. For example the bed, wardrobe, chests of drawers, etc. You will have to painstakingly clean these, making sure you get right in to any small gap. And if it is too small then, again, that is when it is time to use some Diatomaceous Earth.

One of the last things to approach is the bed, and this will require quite a lot of special attention. The bedding should have already been removed, and washed. The mattress you are also going to have to clean thoroughly, not just vacuuming it but steam cleaning it as well if that is possible.

Finally then, the bed frame is going to be the only thing that is left. This is one of the hardest things to clean because of all the joints, and of course it is one of the most common places to find bedbugs. So if you are going to have the best chance of getting them all it's going to be necessary to take the bed frame apart before you clean it.

Avoiding Infestations

After you have done that, with any luck you will have killed all of the bedbugs. Although with people trying it for the first time, they usually miss a few the first time so you might have to do it all again. That's why it it's a good idea to use the experience that pest control experts provide.

Now you just have to try to make sure you don't get another infestation. They are usually picked up when you go travelling so before going to stay anywhere new, such as a hotel room, you should first check it over for bed bugs. The best places to check are the seams of the mattress and inside bedside furniture.

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