Getting Your Boyfriend Back By Dating Someone Else

By Kurt Foulks


I've heard from other people that dating other guys is a good way to get your boyfriend back, is this true?


Breaking up is never easy, especially if you're not the one who initiated it. You've probably thought about different ways you can get back together but at the same time are worried about striking out. What I'm about to tell you here is fairly controversial, in fact it's so controversial that the relationship experts warn against it. But if you've tried everything else without success, maybe it's time you considered thinking out of the box. So what exactly am I saying here? I suggest that you go and date someone else.

Now I know what you're thinking. It sounds totally counter intuitive and insane and I'm sure you're thinking " how does dating someone else help me get my ex back?" It's totally normal and I understand your concern, but what if I told you that this technique will make your ex want you back? Would you change your mind?

Let me give you the big picture. It's completely normal to still think about your ex after a break up. And there's a good chance you're going to be preoccupied with them. It's also safe to say that the longer the break up lasts, the less chance you'll have of getting back together. But is there something else going on?

It's highly likely that your boyfriend is still thinking about you. The reason I say this is because no matter how long you dated, you've got a history together and that counts for something. Furthermore, even if he is dating somebody else, that doesn't mean his feelings for you are gone. I would say that this leaves the door open a crack, so I wouldn't panic just yet.

So before you make contact with your ex and try to talk to him about getting back together, step back and give it some time. The best thing you can do for both of you right now is to take a break. Your ex needs some time to sort through is feelings and the time apart will give hime some time to miss you as well. But if you smother him after the break up, it won't happen.

What I would like to do here is take you into the head of your man following your breakup. Being aware of what goes through his mind helps you with your next moves and help transfer the balance of power and provide you with additional control of the situation.

“When I break up with a girl the last thing I want to do right away is get back together. There’s a reason we broke up in the first place, so when she pesters me and begs me to take her back, getting back together is the last thing on my mind.

I don’t want to pursue her because I know I can have her back whenever I want, so I might as well play the field a little and have some fun while I can because I can always fall back on her if things go south with the other girls.

But if I start to hear from others that she’s out seeing other guys and having a good time, then I start take note. I begin to question the breakup and I ask myself if I really did the right thing. Maybe I was wrong for ending the relationship with her? My curiosity is peaked and suddenly I’m interested in her again.”

Can you see a pattern here? People natually want what they can't have, and if you're pestering your ex all the time he won't want you becuse he knows he can have you whenever he wants. So your goal here is to turn the tables on him and make him want you back by becoming someone he can't have. And how do you do that? By dating someone else. Now I want you to think back to when you first started reading this article and I talked about dating someone again. Did it sound totally crazy? I bet it did. But now that I've explained how it works does it still sound crazy?

Now that you've got the big picture, go out and start having fun again. Go ahead! Get out there and have fun with your friends. This will do two things. One, it's going to keep you from thinking about your ex.

Two, it will improve your self confidence and nothing attracts a man more than a confident woman.

Keep an open mind when you're out with friends and don't discount the idea of meeting someone new. In other words, don't let the thought of getting your boyfriend back prevent you from experiencing new things and being happy. Give yourself the permission to date other people. But be careful here, your goal isn't to make your ex boyfriend jealous. That will backfire on you. Instead, focus on being happy and improving your self confidence. And over time, your ex boyfriend will start to take notice.

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