Clear container team zip locks seasonal foes

By Kayla Holman

There's something about Christmastime and Sherlock Holmes. They seem to go hand-in-hand. The Sherlock Holmes movie was released in December 2009; perhaps that massive commercialized event is responsible for the correlation. Whatever the cause, our CPS spin on the classic detective tale takes Ziplock Holmes and his clear container sidekick on a wild ride.

Sherlock Holmes does packaging. Make a list of everything that comes to mind when you think of a clear container. Chances are unsolved mysteries and Sherlock Holmes are nowhere to be found. Our industry doesn't have much of a demand for private eye work, so to be perfectly honest, we don't have the real Sherlock Holmes on payroll. Instead, we keep his long, lost brother Justin "Ziplock" Holmes (an American, but don't worry, he's got a mean, fake British accent), on staff.

Ziplock keeps a low profile in our office through a disguise. Most people at CPS know Ziplock as Justin, a sales representative. Stowed away in a back corner cubicle, Ziplock is allowed to enact and explore the details of potential clear container catastrophes as well as council his number one confidant, a clear container himself, a zip lock bag.

To tell the truth, Ziplock gets a little more out of his friendship with the wannabe clear container posing plastic bag. The detective has a bit of a phobia when it comes to germs. When a stakeout or capture seems like it may get out of hand Ziplock hops a ride within the bag and is forever sheltered from bad guy germs.

A bag is a clear container too, at least in this case. A clear plastic bag fits into the clear container category. Think about it. We may call a bag a bag, but it does have a transparent presentation and is capable of storing, carrying and even containing goods. Put the two together and what do you get? A clear container.

On top of its functionality, size variation and top-of-the-line zip lock seal, our in-house detective couldn't dream of having a better type of clear container to investigate. Constructed from sleek, impressionable resin, most fugitives that handle this kind of clear container will leave a personal signature on the bag, fingerprints! Also great for catching fleeing assailants (again, not recommended), nothing can escape the zip lock power of a plastic bag. A plastic bag is the clear container of all clear containers when it comes to dramatic and suspenseful captures.

Swing by our newly updated Wallpaper page for your chance to download Ziplock Holmes, an ode to our local CPS detective himself. Click on our resources tab and then choose "Calendar Wallpapers" to get to our themed wallpaper for the month of December and take an exclusive look at the creation of the image.

Christmas time is about giving and sharing. Feel free to invite your friends to our Wallpaper page to get their free download of Ziplock Holmes. And while they're there maybe they will feel so inclined to pick up a clear container or two. We know how valuable plastic bags are at this time of year, don't get caught without them!

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