Traditional White Diamond & Contemporary Sapphires and Diamond Eternity Rings

By Eleanor Campbell

When it comes to history, diamonds have a very long and fascinating record as one of the most intriguing gemstones on the planet. You may be familiar with the term, 'Diamonds are Forever', made popular by the De Beers advertising campaigns and for good reason. Forged billions of years ago, long before dinosaurs roamed the planet, they have survived the forces of nature to reach us. They have been used throughout the ages as bearers of mystic powers and incredible beauty. Through the centuries they have been revered and admired by many civilisations.

Part of the credit for the almost mythical reverence to diamonds throughout the years belongs to the fact that these beauties are quite rare in their most sought after gemstone quality form. Not only are these diamonds rare in numbers but also in the number of skilled artisans that can compliment their exquisite beauty.

The Hardness of Diamond: Diamond's supreme hardness was recognized: "The gems and the metals that exist on earth are all scratched by the diamond: the diamond is not (scratched) by them. A noble substance scratches that which is noble and that which is not; the diamond scratches even the ruby. The diamond scratches all and is not scratched by any."

It is believed that the first diamonds were discovered nearly 3000 years ago in India. They were considered valuable because of their ability to refract light and were used as either decoration or as talismans - for protection and warding against evil.

When purchasing diamond jewellery, it pays to do your research ahead of time. Thanks to the growth of ecommerce on the internet, you will find that the prices of diamonds these days from one jeweller to the next are rather competitive. Better quality at better prices can now be found online instead of in the high street. Another thing to consider when buying your diamonds is whether or not they are conflict free. "Conflict free" diamonds are diamonds that do not lead to the funding of wars and that are not mined under conditions that are deemed unethical by the Kimberly Process. Always insist on Conflict Free diamonds from your jeweller.

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